Billy Did It

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James and jaiden watched Tony accidentally drop a.......Cookie!!!!!Oh and they also saw Adams house trashed all there friends sad and Adams house had the word BILLY sprayed on it in spray paint.

Tony:Dangit dropped my cookie

James:What happened

Tony(TonyVToons):I lost chocolate chip goodness!!!!

Jaiden:Not you,though that was sad,What happened to the house

Alex(Its Alex Clark):We dont know we just saw the word BILLY sprayed on the house and the house itself trashed.We came as soon as Adam called us on a video chat...all of us did.

James:So did we.

Jaiden:I hope hes okay

Jaiden hugged james and put her head on james shoulder.They walked in the house and saw a note.

                                                Hello, Animators, My name is Billy You may know me from one of SomethingElseYT or Adams videos.I have taken my life away now ill take his..literally.In his video, he didnt tell the whole truth.He didnt just pop my bike... I was trying to ride away from him because he was mad at me for breaking his little DS but I said sorry because i was sorry but he traced me down saying he was going to hurt me.But when he got to me he didnt just hurt me he scared me....on the didnt really take my life away but i just wanted to get revenge.So yeah im the bad guy of this story.Muaaaaa haaaa haaaa!!!!

TimTom:Dang it That Bitch!!!

Tim punched the wall and Blacksen tried to calm him down.Everyone searched the house for any clues that can help them save adam.(Oh yeah Swoozie and Draw With Jazza are in this story)Swoozie saw a broad window with a note below it....It said

                                Follow the Bagels!!!!!!!!---Adam

(Okay im sorry thats just funny to me)After they showed the note to every one james and jaiden went outside to search for the bagels.

Jaiden:Guys a trail of pizza bagels leads to somewhere over here!!!!

After that everyone raced to there cars and drove down the street following the pizza bagel.After an hour they ended up at a all white house with broken steps and fading paint.Everyone got out and immediately heard the loud barks of dogs.Right james and jaiden didnt care about shiznickel so james destroyed the door.(Oh yeah and tony got a new cookie and ate it so he was hyped up)

Tony:Im hyped up on cookies so fight me dammit.

He ran in with james(they randomly had pistols....dont worry about it.)Jaiden also ran in but then a large metal door shut behind(Came from the ceiling) them locking everyone else out.They tried to bang it down but it was to metaly

BILLY:So you've come for Adam well take him ive done my damage.The metal door went back up and a door opened with adam tied to a table in the room.They ran towards him asking what happened.

Jaiden:What Happened!!!!

Adam:This Adam pointed to is stomach and the was a scare

James:Wait thats it!!!


They decided to just forget it but looked for billy.They eventually found in his room with a whole bunch of monitors.Adam appauligised....but then they all beat him senslisly.They called the cops and he got 10 years in jail.Everyone went home so it was just adam james and jaiden.Eventually, adam stayed with them (in the guest room) and they all went to sleep.

Jameden,a dog,and revengeWhere stories live. Discover now