The journey part 2

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Azurozu was no longer in my arms and was now standing in front of me but she was different... Her hair was a little longer that reach midleg with small curls at the bottom, she wore a light green kimono-like dress with slits on the sides to move in with lace flowing around her but the most different was that her deep brown eyes were now a jade green as she looked around at the now burned village with an unreadable look on her face.... I looked around to see everyone including the gang looked as confused and shocked as I was.... What has happened to the shrimp I knew...?   

~Koga POV~

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she seemed so different.... so mature and composed.... but not only that... her scent... it was off... before I could call her name, she moved her hand and the ground started to move from under our feet "What the....?!" I watched in shock when I see vines from the ground take buckets filled with water to put out the fires.... The pure image was shocking on its on own but seeing that it was the shrimp that I knew for about a week now doing all this.... Was it possible there was more to her? or maybe it wasn't even her... her scent was throwing me off. After all of the flames were out, she looked over at the demons that were still alive with a glare that was almost blinded with the same green glow from before "You evil beings.... how dare you harm those that have done nothing to you and burn their homes....tainting the earth with the bloodshed and pain..... flee or you shall be punished" The vines that were helping with the fire was now by her side in a threatening manner that would even the most powerful being to shame of its sheer power... raw and pure as the earth below our feet... when the demons fled with their tails... if they had any... between their legs, the villagers let out a cheer at the miracle but I was still in shock. After the coast was clear of them, I looked back at Asurozu to see that she was engulfed in the bright light like when she was in my arms. I looked away for a moment from the blinding light before sniffing the air.... this scent... it.... it was HERS! I looked back just in time of her turning back to her usual self and ran to her side to make sure she didn't hurt herself just as she was falling to her knees panting.... "W...what just happened....?" She asked with a pale complexion on her face as if she was drained of her enegry and looked up to see me with her deep brown eyes... she was for sure back to normal "K..Koga...?" She muttered my name which surprised me for only a moment to hear her say my name for the second time that day. As I was helping her up, everyone from Kagome's group and the villagers surrounded us.... Well mostly her as she did make the demons leave and stop the fire.... Out of the large crowd, one man that looked to be in his early 20s walked up to them... the rest clearing a path for him... clearly he was the head of the village or something. The look in his eyes when he looked at the shrimp made the hairs on my tail to stand up at attention... the look of a man looking at a woman he yearned for.... or what humans call, love... I felt a small growl rumble in my chest but not loud enough for any mortal to hear, however I heard a chuckle from the mutt and shot him a glare as I mouthed 'watch it mutt'....

~Asurozu POV~

My head felt like someone was wracking it with a bolder as I look around with hazy eyes and a grunt... "W...what just happened...?" My head was pounding when someone suddenly held me to not fall over completely when I felt faint and fell to my knees, as I look slightly to the side to see a blur that looked close to Wolfie... "K..Koga...?" My lips moved on their own as a soft mutter that even I could hear it as much... which explained why I didn't even know that I had uttered his name instead of the nickname I always called him since the day we met.... Based on the strength of the man's arms and the warmth around his body, she knew right away it was Koga. It took a moment for my eyes to finally focus on my surroundings to not only confirmed that the man holding me was Koga but the sudden realization of the big crowd around us that contend our friends and the villagers. I felt my cheeks burn at the sudden attention towards me as it was something I am not used to do, especially when I had no clue why they suddenly feel compelled to give their thanks or... what looks like their were praying as if I was some kind of god or something which made me feel uneasy.... Then the crowd moved to the side to reveal a guy that looked to be a little older than me and... not bad looking if i had to admit, he had deep brown hair with a small ponytail in the back which looked not bad and even cute... his hazel eyes shone in the sunlight which made my heart jump... but mostly because he stood in front of me with a gentle smile that I don't get often from the opposite sex and had to look away shyly as he spoke. "I must thank you all for saving us, we are forever in your dept... especially you..." He took my hand gently which cause me to jump once again and he stared in my eyes which confused me of how I should be feeling but the only thing that came out of my lips was a soft whisper of words. "t-thank you but I... I'm not sure why you ha-have to thank me too... I didn't do much other than save that little boy from the hu.... wait... where is the boy??! the last thing I remember was someone pulling me out of the burning hut with the boy and then everything went black!" I looked around in a panic to see if the boy was okay but my question was answered when someone small wrapped their small arms around my waist and I looked down to see the boy... she was surprised to see that he was even standing let alone hugging her but she was just happy to see he was okay. "Yes... the one you saved was my little brother.... but you did so much more... you really don't remember?" His voice held a hint of something mixed with surprised and confused. I looked up at him with my own eyes filled with confusion, unaware of the looks of my friends and the wolf demon beside me looking at me shocked and worried... What really happened to me...? was it really that bad? Before I can even think of what he means, he spoke again but to all of us... "In honor of your bravery and kindness, please, be our honor guests for our annual festival and stay the night" The look on his and all of the villagers eyes looked almost pleading... I honestly wouldn't mind cause it meant enjoying ourselves for a while and REAL BEDS! A break from sleeping on the ground..... I am sure Kagome and Sango were thinking the same cause they had a similar face as me when they heard that as well. "we will stay the night!" The girls and I said at the same time with smiles on our faces however... the guys seem almost unimpressed.... well more or less.... Miroku looked happy enough since there was some pretty girls around.... resulting in Sango hitting his head with a glare and Koga.... he looked... almost pissed for some reason. I wonder why but before I could go ask, the man took my hand and pulled me off to a group of girls. "These girls will help you and your friends dress up for the festival.." His hand lingered a little longer in my hand before releasing it with a tender smile.... I never had anyone treat me like that before... I had to admit that it made me swoon that such a good looking guy even looked at me like that... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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