Spring Surprise(Rose)

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I walked to Irine's school to pick her up. I was glad we ended at the same time. As Irine and I walked home my schizophrenia got out of hand again. It has gotten so bad that I curse all the time. I usually hold myself back but sometimes it was too much. Irine looked at me in concern.

"Unnie? Are you okay?"


"Are you sure"

"Irine, It's just my schizophrenia"

Irine looked forward. She knew that if she tried to help it would get worse. When we got home our mom was in our living room.

"Welcome home girls"

"Hi Eomma"

I sighed and walked up to my room. I needed to calm down for a bit.

"Why are you here still"

"Shut up"

"Why should I? You know that you are ugly and worthless"


Just then my mother walked in.

"The voices again"


"Well I have a surprise"

"Will it stop the voices"

"It will calm them, hopefully"

"Okay, what is it?"

"How would you like to go to Korea with your sister"

"What about you and appa?"

"You're old enough"

"Okay. Is there anything else"

"Yep, tickets to a Bangtan fansign"

"Omo.... REALLY"

"Yes, but there is a third person on this trip"

"Who is it?"

"A girl from your school"

"What's her name there are like 2,000 girls at my school"

"Annika... I think"

"I know Annika"

"Well she is going too."

"Oh! Okay"

"You shouldn't care. I'll make sure you won't have fun"

"And I'll ignore you"

"That's right dear. Ignore the voices"

I hugged my mom very tightly I could believe that I would be going to Korea and a Bangtan fansign over break.

"We have to pick up Annika now though"


"Your schedule tomorrow"


"Go get ready. And tell Irine as well"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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