Fluttershy and Big Mac's

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Name: Fluff
Parents: Fluttershy and Big Mac
Age: 12
Crush; Moon Light
Personally; sky, kind, and loves animals( Fluff talks to animals when she gets really mad. She has her mom strain. She cares for everyone, but when you get her mad she will go off on you!

Name: Jr Mac
Parents: fluttershy and Big Mac
Age: 5
Personally: happy, sweet, and shy.
Jr Mac likes to play with his best friends and his family! Sometimes when they're at the farm. He likes to help applejack with gettin the apples!

👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️😗🦄😃❤️😆😆❤️😆❤️😆❤️😆❤️😗??!!..... REMEMBER STAY ROSSOME!!!BYE!!!!!

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