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Once upon a time there is a badass young lady and her name is Brooke Burkhardt. She is a doctor and a grimm. Her older brother is Nick Burkhardt and he is a detective and a grimm.

She is highly train in all forms of combat/fighting and weapons. She is highly super flexible. She remembers everything and can never forget it ever. Her IQ is off the rails/charts.

She knows all about the supernatural world and supernatural creatures. She knows all about the grimm world and the wesen world.

Let's see what her story unfolds.

The story begins here.....

Brooke: I woke up early in the morning and got into the shower for twenty minutes. I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for today.

I went downstairs and poured me a glass of orange juice and eat a bagel with cream cheese

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I went downstairs and poured me a glass of orange juice and eat a bagel with cream cheese. I left my place and got into my car and drove towards the hospital. I arrived at the hospital and change into my doctor clothes then I will to work.

After three hours it's was time for my lunch break. I went across the street to a nice cozy cafe and ordered a toasted ham and cheese sandwich with salad and sweet iced tea. After I finished my lunch I went back to my work.

As soon as I walked into the hospital I hear that we got a trauma patients. I ran through the hospital and wash up and went into the trauma surgery.  I finished the surgery operation after three hours and we almost lost her and her newborn baby.

It's was night time and I went into the changing room and put back on my earlier outfit. I left the hospital and got into my car and drove back to my place. I arrived at my home and went inside then I took a quick shower and change into my PJs.

I went downstairs and eat dinner which was a extra-bacon double cheeseburger with curly fries and a chocolate milkshake

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I went downstairs and eat dinner which was a extra-bacon double cheeseburger with curly fries and a chocolate milkshake. I finished my dinner and clean up the kitchen after that I went upstairs and hop on my bed and watch TV and did work on my laptop. After a while I fell asleep dreaming of my life.

Next day I woke up early and got into the shower for fifteen minutes. I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for today.

I went downstairs and poured me a cup of tea and eat a fruit salad

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I went downstairs and poured me a cup of tea and eat a fruit salad. I decided not to wear the earrings so I took them out. I finished my breakfast then I left my place and got into the car and drove towards my brother and his girlfriend house.

I arrived at my brother house and I parked my car across the street then I got out of my car. I opened the door with my key and saw Nick and Juliet in the kitchen. I ran up and jump in my brother arms and hug him. He gave me a big tight hug and said good morning little sister.

We talked for a while then Nick left the house to go to his job. Me and Juliet talked for a minute. She said it's good to see you Brooke how you been doing in life. I told her about my place and how I love living in Portland.

We finished talking and I help to cook dinner which was chicken steaks, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes with gravy, and red wine. Me and her finished cooking dinner and she heard a knock on the door and she went to answer it and it was Marie Kessler me and nick aunt our only family.

We talked for a while then I was about to leave when my aunt told me to stay until nick got home. I said I be back just going outside to get some fresh air. It's been a hour and I saw Nick pull up to the house and got out of his car. He saw me and asked what are you doing outside then I told him I getting air and our aunt is in his home with his girlfriend.

Me and him went inside and we all had dinner. I help clean up the kitchen with my brother. Me and him walked out the house with our aunt Marie. Then she talked to about our family secret history. After talking a while I left and got into my car and drove towards my place.

I arrived at the place and I got out of my car and got into my place. Then I change into my PJs and hop into my bed and fell to sleep dreaming about what aunt marie said to us about our family history.

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