6 - Him

42 3 0

We were so happy.

But one day,

Everything was ruined.

All because you married him,

All because you let him into our house,

Our life.

You let him control you.

You let me do whatever he wanted

And I got scared.


Because if he did something to me,

I was worried you weren't gonna do anything.

But it turns outs, I was right.

All my fears came true.

He hurt me.

You just watched.

You did nothing to stop him.

I screamed and pleaded you to help me,

But all you did

Was stare.


That's a question

That will never be answered

Because you didn't do anything,

So he hurt you too.

He hurt you so much

That you closed your eyes,

And became one of those

With halo's above their heads.

So I did the only thing I could.

I went to my friend,

My sharp and silver friend.

This friend helped me make

Red lines all over my body.

So I went to it again,

And drew a line on my wrist

Right on the vein.....

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