10 - When She Cried, When You Cry

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When she cries.

No one heard or noticed.

They didn't notice or hear

Her weird behaviour,

Her pain


Her shouts for help.

She bled every night

By a razor

That's her only friend.

She fakes a smile


Sometimes it gets too hard to act

So she disappears for a while.

But do you notice?

No, not one bit.

Too lost in your own world

To even notice

She needs you.

Just like she was there for you

When you needed her.

You ignored her cries for help,

Her pleading looks,

The tears in her eyes.

She felt like she lost

The only person

She thought cared.

And she left,


But not by choice.

She was walking home

And got hit by a car.

She then got a new pair of wings

And flew up to heaven.

You cried and cried

Realising your mistake.

You weren't there when she needed you

But then it was too late.

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