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  I was still waiting on the couch. Everything is fuzzy and I can't really see with my red puffy eyes. Boze was watching and just waiting silently. Until I heard a knock on the door. I couldn't get up, it felt like something was holding me down. Boze ran to the door and I heard everyone run in as fast as they could. Shayne came running to me and he gasped at me basically lifeless on the couch. He lifted me up and just hugged me for a while. Everyone joined in on the hug. I came out of my trance and started to hug back. I cry more and lean on Shaynes shoulder. I felt the tears run down Shaynes back and get to my arms. His grip got tighter around my waist and everyone grabbed tighter. I let go and so did everyone else and Shayne said
"It's going to be okay. He's a terrible person but you'll never have to deal with him again. We'll tell the cops"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Damien you're one of us. He won't get away with it. We all love you" Courtney said
Everyone nodded in agreement. I had a bit of hope that everything was going to be okay.

Tomorrow morning

I was in school. It was Friday and I wanted this week just to be over. I was debating cutting but I know it will get better. I really needed to use the bathroom. I entered the stall and peed. I heard a voice that said
  I automatically knew that it was Axel and he was waiting. He knew that he was here but I still tried to hide on the top bathroom. And started to cry and freak out. I still tried to hide my crying. I heard footsteps come up to the door. He said
  "You felt too good I had to come back"
  I cried more knowing what he was going to do.
  "You shouldn't try and hide from me. I know you're in there. You're mine Damien"
I cried even more hoping he would leave. I knew that Axel wouldn't give up which made me even more scared.
  "HEEEEEEELP" I yell hoping they would hear me. Axel knew what I was going for so he immediately started to climb under the stall. I started screaming louder and getting father away from his arm. He grabs my leg and I trip and fall on the ground. I fall in pain and yell in fear. He grabs my legs and pulls me under the stall opening. I started to scream even louder yelling
Axel continued to pull me, he locked me into the wheelchair stall. He quickly pulled his pants off and mine. He pushed himself inside of me forcefully. I was screaming but then I stopped. I started to pass out. It felt like everything was crashing down on me. I was laying down crying and I felt dead. I looked dead. I wanted to be dead. Axel was the reason why. I stopped moving and blacked out.

After I woke up

I woke up to a blurry bright room. Everyone immediately crowded me and started to hug me. I just met them. This whole week has just been so tiring I couldn't even move a muscle. Everyone just stayed there hugging me, I was just so tired I just rested my head on the nearest shoulder. Which was Shayne's for what felt like hours of just being hugged I asked
  "Where...am, I?"
  "You're in the hospital. We found you in the bathroom and we called the cops." Keith explained
I couldn't remember why I was in the hospital.
  "I think it's best if we don't tell you why you're  in the hospital" Courtney said
  "No I want to know....I'll be fine just tell me"
  "We found you in the bathroom passed out" Wes said
  "Why was I passed out?"
  "Let me tell you what happened" Shayne said
  "So we were getting a bit worried since you were taking a while in the bathroom, that's when we saw Axel speed walk out of the bathroom. We saw what could've happened and so we ran up to the bathroom. I quickly opened the door to find a locked wheelchair stall and you face up. You were passed out with tear streaks running down your face. I pulled you out from the stall and called 911.
  The ambulance picked you up. We all came to just wait. It's been only like 30 minutes. Then you woke up"
  "Wait so did...Axel r-rape me?" I say as I start to cry again.

781 words

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