10- gone

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I woke up in the middle of the night around 2:30 I still had Shaynes arms around me and his head laying on my chest. I checked my phone to just go on Twitter. After a while ok Twitter I really had to pee. I pushed Precious Shayne of my body and tried to not wake him. I went to the bathroom. I peed and after I came out of the bathroom to go back to bed. I saw a dark figure right in front of me. He took a cloth he had in his hand and put in on my nose. Covering my screams. I've watched and seen enough stuff to know chloroform was on the cloth. I tried to not breath but it got up my nose and I passed out.

Shaynes POV

I woke up that morning at like 6:00 to being cold. I didn't have the same warmth that I had when I was wrapped around Damien. I got out of his bed wondering where he would go. I immediately remembered and thought of what might happen. Im freaking out so I check my texts and there's one from an unknown number that says
You couldn't save Damien. From Axel
I start to cry hysterically knowing what would happen to Damien and hoping that he's okay. I scream and wake up everyone else. They all run up to me crying. As I stand up. Ian asks
"What happened? Where's Damien?"
I couldn't say anything over my sobbing. I just show them the text and as he read it he started to cry hysterically too. Everyone read the text and we were all crying messes. Even Courtney's parents were also messes. We were wondering if we'd even see Damien again. We called 911 and told them our friend was kidnapped. The cops came and took photos of the texts. We had to go to school so we were all pretty shaken when we walked in. The whole ride to school I was crying just thinking about how I might never see Damien again. I didn't even get a chance to tell him how I feel. It was just saddening. We all came in and walked to the table and sat down. It felt empty without Damien. There was a spot missing at the lunch table. It was cold and empty without him here. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I ran into the wheelchair stall and slid down the wall. I was sobbing hysterically. He was gone. It was all my fault. I felt guilty and I took out my pocket knife. I ran it across my arm for a cut. That was for not saving Damien. I cleaned the cut and the knife. I some paper towels and threw them into the trash. I found a tiny piece of paper that had a number on it.
5589. It also had the name Damien under it
I immediately ran outside and grabbed the group.
  "We're going to the cops"
  "What why" Olivia asked
  I showed them the paper. They all started to cry and we got into Wes' big van we drove as fast as possible. Once we got to the cops I showed them the paper and they asked
  "What is this?"
  "I found it in the trash can of my school bathroom. That's where Damien Haas was raped and this could be where he is being held captive"
  "I'll take it into consideration"
  "Do you know what city could be held in"
  "Probably this one. They wouldn't have gone far."
  "We'll check every house on a street with 5589"
  "Thank you officer"
I got back in Wes' van and we drove back to school. It was a silent ride. We got back and we were late for first period. I didn't care we could've saved Damien's life.

Damien's POV

I woke up in a dark room. I had a tiny dirty twin bed for what I have. I was in a small room I tried the door but it wouldn't open. That's when it did but Axel came with it. He locked the door behind me. I kicked him in his chest hoping he would knock out. I ran his keys but when I do he pulls me down. I try to get up but he knocks my feet and makes me fall. I try and get up but this time he sits on top of me. I cry again trying to get him off but he won't budge. He then pulls of his pants and mine and rapes me for the third time. I just give up in defeat and let him. This is my life now. He kept his promise on kidnapping me. I just lay down and cry. There's nothing I can do. Axel was a monster. He finished and I got up and laid down in my disaster of a bed. I cried as he left me to rot with myself. This was going to be everyday now. I didn't have anything. I try to open the door but it was locked. My cries got louder and more hysterical. I banged on the door multiple times until it busted. It got a little of hinge so I kicked it down as much as possible.

892 words

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