Ch. 1

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Barbie's POV

Name one thing that's worse than having a crush on your best friend, and I'll give you $100. Josh is... well my best friend, and I kind of have a crush on him. I know Barbie what are you thinking there's no way he feels the same about you; he's known you since second grade! Plus he has a thing for blondes..... and news flash you're not blonde! I finished applying my makeup for the day. Another day closer to the rest of my life.

"Babs hurry up!" Josh called from outside my window. I stood up from my desk and looked myself over one final time in my mirror. I pulled on my black converse, and jean jacket. I grabbed my pink backpack, and ran down the stairs to meet Josh at his car.

"Finally I thought I might die waiting for you." Josh said with a laugh once I got in the car. "Please you take longer than me to get ready." I laughed putting on my seat belt. Josh pulled away from the curb turning on the radio. I sat with my knees pulled close to my chest, and my head resting on my knees. I watched Josh as he drove along the familiar roads to school.

"What are you looking at weirdo?" Josh laughed when he glanced at me. "A big ol' dork." I said with a laugh. Josh gently shoved me as he pulled into the parking lot of our school. "Welcome to hell." He said as he parked the car.

"Oh come on schools not that bad." I said unbuckling my seat belt. "That's easy for you to say you're popular, and cool, and everyone loves you." Josh said leaning his head back. Everyone loves me except him. "Oh who cares what people think. 10 years from now when you're playing sold out arena concerts, and I'm standing front row cheering you on none of these people are gonna matter. Who cares if everyone thinks you're the weird kid cause once we're out of here you're gonna make everyone wish they were nicer to you, because you're the most amazing, and talented guy I know." I said smiling at him.

" Awwww Barbra that's so sweet I think I might cry." Josh said pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. "Whatever let's show these fuckers who's the boss!" Josh said getting out of the car. I laughed and followed behind him. I had to run a little to catch up with his long strides. Josh, and I are kind of an odd pare. People always look at us weirdly when we walk together in the halls, but what can I say opposites attract.

Life with Josh is never boring he's always doing something or getting in trouble. He's more in the party scene than I am. Josh grabbed my hand before I walked in. His hands are rough from playing guitar. "Let's skip today." He said. "Josh you know I can't do that...." I said giving him a sad look. "Come on Babs!! What's dear old Mr. Glynn gonna do? Ground you?" Josh said trying to convince me.

"No Josh we need to go to class." I said in my stern mother like voice. "FIIIIINNNNNEEEEEE" Josh pouted as he stomped into the school like an angry toddler. As I walked in people greeted me. "Hey Barbie, What's happening Barbie?" People say as I walk past. I never really pay attention to anyone outside of my friend group. I just smile and continue walking.

"It's happening again..." Josh whispered in my ear as we walked to my locker. "Josh who am I?" I asked once we got to my locker. "Barbra Carolina Glynn." He answered leaning against some lockers. "And you're Joshua Keeler Ramsay my best friend since second grade... trust me I'm not going anywhere." I said opening my locker, and grabbing my algebra textbook.

Josh is always worried that one day I'll get tired of him and hang out with "People who are better than him" as he says, but for me I feel like he'll be the one to leave me behind. Josh is going places, and pretty soon he'll be off touring the world and forget all about me. We've been friends for 10 years now. We've gone through all of high school so far together... we just gotta finish Senior year.

"Damnnnn Barbie look at you." Matt said giving Josh a bro hug. "Hey man." Josh said. "Hey Matty." I said closing my locker. The three of us walked to our first hour. Thankfully we're all in that class. "What are you guys doing for thanksgiving?" Matt asked as we walked. "My mom is making us have a family weekend." Josh sighed. "Eww. What about you Barbie?" Matt asked sitting down in his seat. "Oh you know... homework." I said taking my seat behind him.

"Babs.... we're not gonna have homework." Josh said in a concerned voice. "He's right it's not even worth coming to school today. We don't even have a full day." Matt said. "I'll find some homework to do... or I'll read." I said taking out my notebook and pen. Josh took his seat next to me. I felt his gaze on me as I went over old notes. Even after class started Josh's gaze didn't leave me.


After our short day at school Matt, Josh, and I got in Josh's car. Josh drove us back to his place. Not long after I found myself curled up in Josh's bed half awake. "B... it's getting late." Josh said running his hand through my brown hair. "I don't wanna go home..." I said in a sleepy voice. "And I don't want you to leave, but your dad will kill us if you're not home when he gets home." He said. "What time is it?"I asked sitting up.

" 6:30." Josh said. I sighed and put on my shoes. "You can expect me to be at your window tonight." I said pulling on my shoes. "If you're not here by 1 I'm sending out a search party." Josh joked as I pulled on my jacket. "See you later weirdo." I said as I walked up the stairs. "Bye mom." I said to Ms. Ramsay. "Bye dear say hello to your father for me." She called from the kitchen. "Will do." I said before leaving.

I made the short walk to my house next door. I started on dinner, and right on cue at 7 my dad came home. "How was work?" I asked placing his dinner in front of him at the kitchen table. "Long... would you get me a beer?" He said digging into his dinner. I grabbed him a beer, and took my seat across from him. Since my mom died he's been drinking more. I felt his gaze on me as I ate.

"You look more like her every day..." He said finishing his beer. "It makes me sick...." He said in a harsh tone. "I'm sorry...." I said in a weak voice. "You should be." He said getting up from the table. He grabbed another beer and went to his room. I stood up and cleaned the kitchen before heading to my room. Tonight is the night... I'm gonna get prof.

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