Ch. 3

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Barbie's POV

     I wanted to reach out and have Josh come by my side trust me I did... I was just to weak. The only thing I could manage was a smile before I started going in and out of consciousness. When I woke up I was in the hospital. My little sister Abby sat on Josh's moms lap. Her face was so peaceful as she slept.
      "How are you feeling?" Ms. Ramsay asked once she noticed I was awake. "Like I've been asleep for weeks." I said trying to take in my surroundings. "Well it hasn't been weeks, but a week is long enough." She said with a sympathetic smile.
       "Where's Josh?" I asked. Ms. Ramsay was quite for a moment. She looked down at my sleeping sister then back at me. "Dear.... Josh had to go away for a while...." she finally said.
        "W-where is he?" I asked getting worried. "Umm... while everything was going on at your house I was cleaning his room and found heroin in a box under his bed.... Miles and I admitted him to rehab center the same day you were admitted to the hospital." She said in a weak voice.
           Oh my freaking god Josh was doing drugs, and I didn't know?! How could he keep something like that from me?! Well... I shouldn't judge I kept everything that happened with my dad a secret from him. I hope he's okay. I hope he's not worried about me. I don't deserve him to worry about me.
        "Barbie?" I heard Abby say in a tired voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm here." I said taking her hand. Abby climbed into my hospital bed next to me. "I'm gonna go make a call will you guys be alright?" Ms. Ramsay said standing up. We nodded and she left the room.
        I wrapped my arm around Abby. "I thought you were dead." She said snuggling into my chest. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me... besides if I died who would take over as queen?" I said rubbing her arm.
        Abby is only seven... I can only imagine how badly this is gonna mess her up by the time she's my age, but one thing I know for sure is that she's not losing me.


      "Alright dear... good luck with everything." The nurse who's been helping me said giving me a hug. "Thank you hopefully I won't be back soon." I joked. "Well if you need anything you know where to find me." She said. We said our final goodbyes before I left the hospital. Only a week in the hospital, and I already made friends with the nurse.
        I sat in the back seat of the Ramsay's car with Abby. As we pulled up to our houses we were greeted by police officers.
        "Are you Barbra Glynn?" One of them asked as I got out of the car. "Y-yes??" I asked as I helped my sister out of the car. "Would it be alright if we asked you some questions about the events of the day?" The police officer asked.
        "For Christ shakes she just got out of the hospital!" Miles said. "It's alright Miles. I actually have something to give you." I said to the police officers. "Follow me." I said heading to my house.
       I lead the officers in the house leaving them in the living room while Abby and I went up stairs. "Listen to me Abby.... you're not aloud to ever watch this video alright.... I don't care about any reason this is for the police to help us." I said grabbing the tape with the video on it. Abby nodded her head and held my hand. I took a deep breath and went back downstairs to where I left the police officers.
      "Here." I said handing them the tape. "What's this?" One of the officers asked. "Evidence... if him putting me in the hospital isn't enough to get his kids taken away from him, and put him in jail that is. The events that take place in the video happened every Friday night for a year.... I don't want to talk about it in front of my sister... she's too young, but if you have further questions I'll come down to the station when she's  at school." I said.
         The officers looked confused, but nodded and took the tape. They left with nothing else to talk to me about. The Ramsays stood quietly, and waited for the officers to leave before speaking.
          "You know you're still not 18 yet... they'll likely put the two of you in foster care." Ms. Ramsay said hugging herself. "My birthday is in a month... if we can get them to wait until then..." I said not wanting my sister to be put in foster care.
         "The both of you are always welcomed in our home... Sarah just moved out so we have a spare room." Corlynn said. "Thank you... if anything it would be just until i graduate, and can save up some money to get an apartment." I said.
         "You're like family dear.... take your time." She said pulling me into a hug. "Come now you must be hungry." She said leading the way to the Ramsay household.


        "We find Mr. Glynn guilty of physical and sexual assault. As well as abuse and neglect to his children. As for the care of the children Barbra Carolina Glynn, and Abigail Stella Glynn will be placed in the care of Mr. And Ms. Ramsay until Barbra's 18th birthday." Once those words were spoken in court I let out a breathe I hadn't noticed I was holding. Weeks of fighting are over, and my 18th birthday is only a week away.
       Matt patted my back. I smiled at him. Through everything Matt has been my rock. With one less thing to worry about it's time to think about Josh. He's been gone for almost two months. I hope he's doing alright.
      A few things have changed since he left. My sister and I are now settled into the Ramsay household, and I dyed my hair blonde. I felt like I needed to change now that I'm done with my dad. I've started to get back into dancing. Amanda, Matt's sister got me to go to one of her classes to get my mind off things. It worked and I fell in love with dance again. It looks like things are clearing up. I hope Josh is doing okay.... only time will tell I guess.

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