Ch. 2

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Barbie's POV

             I set up my video camera so my bed was in perfect view. I glanced at the clock '9:30' it's time. There was a knock at my door. "It's nine thirty lights out!" my dad called from the other side of the door. "Okay!" I called back my voice a bit shaky. I turned off my lights, and checked my camera to see if the moon light would be enough. Lucky there's enough light for the camera. with a shaky hand I pressed record. I got in bed and waited for 10 o'clock to roll around. 

         For a year now every Friday night at 10 o'clock my dad comes in my room... and he has his way with me. It's been going on for a year, and I haven't told a single soul. Not even Josh knows about this. I looked at the clock. '9:58' time to pretend to be asleep. Two minutes later my dad came in my room right on que. My heart beating out of my chest I hoped the camera was still rolling. I fought back tears. 

        After my dad left my room I waited a minute before getting up. I turned off the camera, and hid it somewhere safe. I waited another hour for my dad to go to bed for me to leave. I pulled on my converse, and jacket. I carefully opened my window trying to not make a sound. I climbed on the rough, and and down the tree between Josh's and my house. I went around to his window and gently tapped on it. With in seconds the window flew open.

        "You're cutting it close it's 12:50." Josh said stepping back from the window so I could come in. "Sorry."I said in a weak voice. Josh helped me in, and closed the window. "It's okay Babs." he said pulling me into a hug. His hugs always made me feel safe. Josh moved his guitar and lyric book while I took off my shoes and jacket. We didn't talk much when I came over in the night. 

       I crawled in Josh's bed wrapping the blankets around me. Josh turned off the lights, and joined me in his bed. I rested my head on his chest. He twirled a peace of my hair around his finger. I listened to the beat of his heart, and watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath. "Night Babs." he whispered. "Night Joshie." I whispered back. My eyelids now feeling heavy. In this moment I felt safe. Only in Josh's arms is when I feel safe. Like nothing can hurt me. 


         "Barbie.... Barbie." I heard Josh say. I felt his hand run up and down my back. I slowly opened my eyes. "Hey..." he said when I looked up at him. "What time is it?" I asked in a tired voice. "Seven." Josh said rubbing my back. I let out a sigh and got up. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to. I stretched before putting on my shoes and coat. 

        "I'll be by at 10 to pick you guys up." Josh said sitting up in bed. "Sounds good." I said walking over to the window. "Josh?...." I said turning to face him. "Yeah..?" he said in a concerned voice. "Th-thank you... you've really done a lot for me." I said. "That's what best friends are for." He said sweetly. I nodded before climbing out of the window. For some reason it never hurt when I called him my best friend, but it hurt so much when Josh did.

        When I climbed up the tree and got through my window everything changed. My dad was there sitting on my bed. "Where have you been?"He asked without turning to look at me. "W-with Josh..." I said in a shaky voice. 

Josh's POV 

        My  bed seems so cold and empty without her. I've never in my life met anyone like her. She's like sunshine in human form. She's always so happy and positive. Barbie and I never keep secrets from each other, but there's a few things I haven't told her. I do heroine, I have an eating disorder, and I love her. 

        Ever since we were kids She's been a ball of sunshine, and energy. She's always had so much energy and laughed at anything. I guess me not telling her those things is my way of protecting her; she doesn't need a big old depressing rain cloud over her sunny day. Ever since her mom did she's changed a little. She's been more protective of her younger sister, and more motherly. Her smile has also faded over the past year. 

        I got out of bed and got dressed. "I'm leaving!" I called as I ran up the stairs. "Josh dear invite Barbie and her family over for thanksgiving." Mom called from the kitchen. "Okay!" I said before leaving. I made the short walk next door to the Glynn house hold. I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear yelling and struggling form the other side. Finally the door opened to reveal Mr. Glynn. 

       "Joshua. Good to see you. What can I do for you?" he said closing the door slightly behind him. "Um I'm here to pick up Barbie, and Abby." I said. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked confused. "Y-yes sir we're going to the zoo." I said. "Hmmm it seems Barbie forgot she has family plans today. Why don't you come back tomorrow. Have a nice day." he said with a twisted smile before heading back in the house. 

       It's funny how much your life can change in the time it takes you to take a walk around the block a few times. As I circled around the block for the last time cop cars and and ambulance flew by... in the direction of my house. My mind began to race as I ran after them. My parents were standing outside. My mom had tears in her eyes. I watched as the police pushed Mr. Glynn into the back of a cop car. 

          "Joshua Keller Ramsay you have some explaining to do!" My dad said as I approached them. "What's going on?!" I said my heart racing. "What's this?" My dad said holding the box where I keep my heroine. "What's wrong with Barbie?!" I said ignoring my dad. "JOSHUA!" My dad said. "I DO HEROIN WHATEVER WHAT'S WRONG WITH BARBIE!" I yelled. 

         "Get in the car!" My dad said in his strict voice. I watched as Barbie was being carried out on a stretcher her little sister holding her hand crying. "BARBIE!" I yelled trying to push past my parents. My dad held me back trying to force me in the car. For a split second Barbie's emerald green eye's met mine, and a painful smile appeared on her face. This will be the last time I see her. Her face beaten black and blue, bruises all over her slender body, and tears running down her face.       

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