Ch. 4

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Barbie's POV

Six months with out Josh has been hell. The worst of the Canadian winter is over and April is here. School is absolute hell... I went from being liked by everyone to hated by everyone. People have taken me being raped by my dad and turned it into a joke. My only friends are Matt and his sister.... not like I had any more before. The "good morning Barbie" as I walked through the halls have turned to whispers, and rumors about me. Some people have gone as low as to say I made it all up to get attention.All I need at this point is a big hug from Josh, and my diploma.
"So Matt tells me Josh will be coming home soon." Amanda said as we stretch. "Yeah I'm really excited. I really need him back more than ever now." I said touching my toes.
"Do you think things will be the same between you two?" She asked. "I really hope so... I- I love..." I started but was cut off by the teacher starting class. We stood up and got in our lines.
"Alright class as you are all well aware additions begin today for our production of Swan Lake." The teacher said. My heart started to pound. I really want to get a part... not the lead, but a part. I've trained for weeks for this audition.
I've put my heart and soul into this audition; I've made it to the final round. I'm up against another girl for the lead part... I don't really want the lead but it's the only one that hasn't been filled. Amanda has already been assigned the part of the fairy queen.
"Alright lady's ready?" Our teacher asked us. We nodded and the music began to play. We had to preform the dance of the swans witch is a corps de ballet dance, but it's a killer. Both of us must move in unison. By the end of the song I wanted to die so much, but I kept a smile on my face.
"Well done lady's... let's see.... Lisa.... you get the black swan, and Barbie... congratulations my dear you get the lead." The teacher said. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "Congratulations." Lisa the other girl said to me. "Thanks you too." I said shaking her hand.
"OH MY GOD YOU WERE AMAZING OUT THERE!!!" Amanda said running over to me, and giving me a hug. "Thank you." I said hugging her back. Most of the class had left already. Matt walked in while we were packing up our bags.
"B you were amazing!" Matt said giving me a hug. "Thank you I just wish Josh could have seen it." I said hugging Matt. "Who said I didn't..." a familiar voice said from behind me. I froze and turned around to see none other than Josh Ramsay himself.
"Josh." I gasped. All of the air had been sucked out of my lungs. "Hey..." he said shoving his hands in his pockets. Tears built up in my eyes as I ran over to him. He lift me up and gave me the biggest hug in the world. We stood there for what seemed like a life time just holding each other.
"You changed your hair." He laughed whipping away tears from my face once we pulled away. "Yeah... a lot of things have changed around her." I said.
"It looks good..." he said awkwardly. "Stop being awkward that's my thing." Matt said putting his arm around Josh. We all laughed, and headed out.
Josh looks... healthier. He's not as skinny as he used to be, and his clothes fit him properly now. "See you tomorrow!" Amanda said as we parted ways. I waved bye to her and Matt as I walked with Josh.
"I've had the day to catch up with Matt now... it's your turn." Josh said putting his arm around me. "Where should we start?" I asked looking up at him. "How about with you being carried into an ambulance right when I was leaving for rehab??" Josh laughed.
We sat on the swings of the park and I told him everything that's happened over the six months he's been gone. He was shocked, then angry, then sympathetic.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked in a hurt voice. "I didn't know how..." I said fighting back tears. "C-can I watch it?" He said looking up at me. The pain in his eyes made my heart hurt. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"I-if you really want to..." I said holding back tears. "Only if you're okay with it... I want to see what he put you through... and make him pay." Josh said with an undertone of anger in his voice. "I-I've put it past me... you should too." I said getting off the swings.
"Babs....." Josh said grabbing my wrist. "I-I love you." He said causing my heart to skip a beat. "Josh..." I said turning around to face him.
"Any way let's go home you must be tired plus you have school tomorrow." Josh said walking a head of me. Is he seriously not gonna address what he just said?! LIKE AT ALL?! I followed behind him slinging my dance bag over my shoulder.
"Welcome back you two!" Corlynn called from the kitchen. "Hi mom!" Josh said as he went downstairs to his room. I headed straight to the shower. After dancing all day I smell worse than a middle school dance I can tell you that much.
         "BARBIE!!!" Abby yelled running up to me. "What's up buttercup?" I asked giving her a hug. "JOSH IS BACK!!!" She said jumping up and down. Almost on queue Josh came up the stairs.
        "I know I came back with him." I laughed patting her head. "Can I go shower now?" I asked. "No!" Josh and Abby said at the same time. "Why not?" I asked crossing my arms. "Because I was gonna." Josh said. "And you have to spend time with Josh!" Abby added.
        "I can spend time with him later, and Josh suck it cause I'm going first." I laughed. "Or we could shower together." He whispered with a smirk on his face. "In your dreams." I said walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. Making sure I locked it. I can already tell living with Josh is going to be interesting.


      I tucked Abby into her bed, and found my way to my own bed. I sleepily crawled into my bed just underneath hers. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a bump and someone whisper "fuck." I looked up to see Josh rubbing his head.
       "Josh what are you doing?" I asked. "I wanted to tuck you in?" He said. "Nice try. What's the real reason you're creeping around our room?" I asked sitting up a bit. Josh looked up to see if Abby was asleep yet. I'm guessing she is because he continued to explain himself.
        "She lost a tooth today, and I'm the only one who knows so...." he said pulling out a dollar bill from his pocket. I smiled at him. He carefully reached under Abby's pillow and pulled out a tooth; he replaced the tooth with the dollar bill.
           "Night Babs." He said leaning down and kissing my forehead. "Night Joshie." I said laying back down. I watched as he creeped out of the room. On the way out he stubbed his toe on the door frame.
        "Owe fuck." He whisper yelled. "Thanks Josh." I laughed. "You're welcome B." He said before closing the door behind him. I don't know a lot of things, but one thing I do know is whoever ends up with him is going to be the luckiest and most unlucky person in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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