Chapter 4

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"Honey!! Dinners ready!"

You hear your mom calling for you. You squint your eyes, trying to get all of the tiredness out of your eyes. You lean forward and swing your legs off to the side of your bed. You stand up and walk around like you had just gotten home from the bar. Then you have a sudden realization of where you are and where you are going.

You walk down the stairs and smell a sweet odor coming from the kitchen. You walk around the corner and see that there are pancakes lined up on the island in the kitchen. You sit down and wait for your mom to do so too.

She sits down. You both grab a stack of three each, slather butter on them and pour on the syrup.

"How was school today?" Your mom asks.

"It was good."

You both take a few bites of pancakes in between the few words that were said already.

"Did anything happen at school today? Did you make any new friends?"

"Nothing really happened. It was just boring. And no, I didn't make any new friends."

You both finish your pancakes and you go upstairs into your room. You lay down and watch some tv. You eventually doze off and fall asleep.

"Brzzh Brzzh"

You slap your hand on top of the alarm clock and try to find the button to shut the thing up. You wake up and do your routinely morning thing. You get up, Take a shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed.

You walk out the front door and stand at the end of your driveway, waiting for the bus to come. You see the bus turn the corner, coming your way. The bus comes up to the edge of your feet. You walk up the steps and get the seat next to the boy, whose name is still a mystery.

"Hey. I meant to ask. What's your name?" You ask.

"Huh?" He asks.

"What's your name? I mean, we've talked before and I've never gotten your name."

"Well, why don't we hang out and I'll tell you my name."

He grabs your phone and puts his number in it.

"Here, I'll give you my number and we can hang out later. Then I'll tell you my name."

This seems suspicious. If I go, I'll find out his name and learn more about him. If I don't go, he'll forever be a mystery.

"Ok. I'll text you when I'm free to hang out."

"Ok, good."

The bus reaches the school and it stops. You both get off and head your separate ways.

"See you later." He says as he smiles at you. His smile goes from ear to ear.

"Who is this boy?"

Hey everyone. I know it's been forever. I've been busy and haven't had time to write anything. I hope you all like this. Please vote for it and leave me feedback. I promise Chapter 5 will be out sooner. Love you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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