Restless Nights

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Shin sighed as he layed in his bed, just meaning that he would have another restless night again, contemplating about life as he often did when he was alone.

"Fucking hell." Shin whispered into his hand quietly, making sure that his parents couldn't hear him. Although they slept in a completely different room across the hall and were extremely polite people, Shin was still in constant fear that he could get in trouble at any given time. "Why am I like this?"

For as long as Shin could remember he had been extremely self-conscious and suffered from low self-esteem, trust issues, and depression. If it hadn't been for the occult club, he didn't know what would be of him at that moment.

'The Occult Club'

Shin smiled lightly as he turned in his bed, laying on his side now. The Occult Club had always been a safe place for him. He knew that he could trust everyone in that room deeply, and since it was extremely rare for them to get any new members, it stayed that way for as long as he'd been in the club. Even though Oka was his personal favorite, he still loved them all.


Shin blushed as he turned over again, this time facing the wall. Even though you wouldn't expect it just by looking at him, but Shin was completely capable of feeling love. And since he was able to love, he had a crush. The thing about Shin is that... Well, he was gay. The only person who knew was Oka, who also knew his crush. She had practically forced him to tell when she told him who she liked. Shin smiled as he turned to face the ceiling, remembering that moment.

*What did you guys think of my first chapter? For once, I actually proof-read this fanfic. The next chapter will be up soon, so don't worry!*

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