Budo's Crush

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Shin sighed as he got up from his bed, putting on his school uniform slowly. He dreaded going to the hell each day, since the only good momories were made at the Occult Club with his friends. He never had many friends anyways, since being a part of the Occult Club immediately made him 'emo' and 'edgy'. The only reputation he had was what he worked with. Shin sighed again as he stepped out into the kitchen.

"Good morning mom." Shin said as he walked over to the table, sitting down on one of the chairs. "What's for breakfast?" Shin asked as he looked around. "And where's dad?"

"Good morning Shin!" Mrs. Higaku's voice was the complete opposite of Shin's; full of happiness and energy. "Your father is going to be at a business trip for the next two weeks, so he'll be gone for a while." Mrs. Higaku sighed as she put down a plate of French toast in front of Shin.

"Thanks." Shin mumbled as he picked at his breakfast.

Mrs. Higaku frowned and put a hand on Shin's.

"What's wrong dear?" There she goes again, being happy and caring. "You seem upset."

Shin sighed as he looked at his mom's dark eyes. Shin always liked the way his mom's eyes looked on her, but to Shin his own eyes made him look even more dark in his opinion.

"Well," Shin started. "Let's just say that I have a crush on someone, and overheard that they were going to talk to THEIR crush today. I'm trying not to keep my hopes up, since I know that they don't like me. Also, the fact that dad won't be here is making me even more upset."

"Oh honey," Mrs. Higaku frowned as she walked over to Shin, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace. "Don't put yourself down like that! And I'm sure that she loves you as much as the rest of us do."

"Yeah," Shin sighed as he hugged his mother back. "Sure. 'She' does."

Mrs. Higaku smiled as she walked back to her seat. They both ate their breakfast in silence after that whole... Well, whatever that was. The silence was suffocating to Shin as he stood up.

"Well, I'm going to school now." Shin said as he put his empty plate in the dishwasher, which was beginning to fill up, and grabbed his backpack. "Bye mom. I'll see you afterschool!"

"Bye sweety! Have a good day!" There she went, saying usual mom things. "Make sure you study hard and learn! Behave! Be careful." What she said next is what surprised Shin the most. "And um, good luck with your crush."

Shin smiled at his mom. A genuine smile that she hadn't seen since he was young. It made Shin happy to know that she would go out of her comfort zone for him, and he walked to school with a smile on his face.

The walk to school was always the same everyday. He had to avoid some cars, avoid certain students, and he would see Ayano riding her bike every Monday and Friday.

"H-hey Shin!" Shin stopped as he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and smiled weakly at Oka. "Want to walk the rest of the way there together?"

Shin nodded as he stood next to Oka and told her about what happened in the morning. Oka cringed, but then laughed as she nudged Shin playfully.

"Well, since your dad's not going to be home for two weeks, you can invite Budo over to your house and um... Y'know?" Shin blushed as Oka gave him a knowing look.

"O-oka!" Shin stuttered as he gave Oka a death stare. "He's right there!" Shin said as he pointed towards Budo, who was currently talking to Taro.

Shin and Oka froze and blushed deeply as both Taro and Budo turned around to look at them. Shin could feel his stomach burst with butterflies as Budo smiled at him, the same happening to Oka. Oka and Shin stared at each other as Budo and Taro walked away, shocked at what just happened.

"Okay," Shin started to speak, even though they were being cursed at first standing in people's ways. "That was... Something all right."

Oka didn't speak as her and Shin changed their shoes, then walking towards the Occult Club.


"Okay members," Budo said as he changed out of his martial arts costume. "I'm going to leave for a while, and I trust that you can all keep yourselves occupied while I'm gone. Juku and Shima already know what I'm doing, so if you have any questions, just ask them."

Sho and Mina nodded as they watched Budo walk out of the club room. He held his breath as he walked down the steps of the school, making his way to the first floor. He smiled and called out to Shin when he saw him walking with Oka. Shin looked over at Oka, who nodded at him and smiled before walking into the Occult Club.

"Hey Shin!" Budo said as he walked closer to Shin, whose face was very obviously red. "How are you doing today?"

Shin blushed as he began to play with his fingers. "Um, g-good."

"That's nice." Budo said he smiled at Shin. "How are things in the Occult Club?"

Shin looked down at his feet and continued to play with his fingers. "W-well we still haven't been able t-to summon a d-demon successfully, b-but we still try. Oka s-says that the demons are j-just testing us."

Budo nodded as he listened carefully. "Sounds interesting. One of these days I want to see how you guys do it. Would you consider inviting me to watch someday?"

"R-really?!" Shin's dark eyes brightened as he looked up at Budo, hope and happiness in his eyes. "You really w-want to come and s-see us?"

Budo chuckled as he put a hand on Shin's chin, causing them both to blush deeply. "Of course I do. I want to see you in your club."

Shin smiled and nodded. "I'll talk to Oka about it today."

"Wait!" Budo yelled as Shin started to walk away. He gave Shin two pieces of paper. One for him and one for Oka. The one to Shin had Bud's number, and the one for Oka had Tara's number. "Tell Oka that Taro wanted to give her his number earlier for me."

Shin laughed as he nodded. Waving goodbye and letting all of the butterflies come back to him at once as he walked to the Occult Club.

"H-hey Oka, good news!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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