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Don’t run to the giant explosion John!That's what everyone says. Well in my defence it was a bright flash of light and I'm that kind of person who likes to watch thunder in the sky so don’t judge.

So at that point I was still in school and I just realized who was behind me look over my back I realize that I wasn't out of the woods just yet. Brad had already recovered from his shock and was behind me at record speed .

At that moment luck decided to show me some mercy and suddenly my history teacher appeared out of the staff room right behind me.“BRAD, WHAT DO YOU THINK IS OUR POLICY ON THE HALLWAY?! THAT'S RIGHT YOUNG MAN NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS. YOU ARE COMING WITH ME FOR AN HOUR OF DETENTION RIGHT NOW” he screamed.

He look quite mad to be frank.

Then I only had one last obstacle to face...The main door. Our school has this system where we have to tap a card before we leave so the only way to go out is to tap my card

I tapped my card

And I was out

Anticlimactic, I know right?

Anyways, by the time I made it to that site, all that can be seen were dead trees and a REALLY strong pull, I felt my body walking without permission from my mind which is really quite annoying if I do say so myself and it was then I noticed the small dark orb  right in front of me like woah how black can black be?.... The colour looked like the night sky without clouds or stars.

It was a beautiful kind of black, one that made you want to stare at it for hours straight.....Inviting you to just take one touch.....teasing you.....

My finger moved on its own...


Just a bit of space...

Then I touched it....




Author's Note

Well...that was a cliffhanger right?!
Tell me your views on this book
Cause again...I'm new at this...
And see ya at the next chapter!!!

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