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Who knew touching a shiny black object would feel like this?

Seriously?! How can I describe it?

You know what?
I won't. Just know it was really dark and then EVERYTHING went dark

No no I don't mean I fainted. No fainting is for weak people, I am not one of them...
Nah I just took a quick forced nap, yup a really refreshing nap. When I 'came to' (cause I definitely didn't pass out), the trees in front of me were completely healed and green again.

I slowly stood up, no pain anywhere.
Just this weird tingle all around of me and also no sight of that shiny glowing black object. I walked back to class. For some reason no one, I mean NO ONE seemed to remember what just happened, didn't anyone see the bright flash of light AND the explosion outside? Whatever more luck for me, even better would be if I were able to sneak into physics without the teacher noticing...

'Jonathen, how nice of you to drop in today, would you like me to direct you to your seat or would you be able to do such a difficult and mentally tasking job by yourself?' Mr. Simon said.

I put my head down and walked over to my seat snickers coming from all around me and as I reached Brads desk he put his leg out 'loser!' he shot at my face at the last moment with speed I didn't know I possesed, I skilfully side-stepped him.

At my desk I ponderd where this speed had come from I looked up and saw Mr.Simon droning on about heat...aww... Soo boring.
I may have fallen asleep when Mr Simon boomed 'MR JONATHEN CARE TO WAKE UP AND TELL ME THE EQUATION FOR SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY?' I quickly woke up and when my brain registered what he said I somehow remembered what I read in my physics book like 2 weeks ago 'E=mc△t' I blurted out. ' For once Jonathen, you are correct! Good job maybe by the end you may actually pass.'

I must be loosing my mind I thought first increased speed and then now increased brain power? Could this be...the black orb?

I'm back! Ow did you have to throw that rock at me? Yes? Ok carry on.

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