Chapter 1

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Volleyball club

Haise's POV
"Haise!!" I turned my attention away from my phone and looked up to see my classmate and friend.

"Sup Haise!"

"Hey Syo. Is Sayaka and Airi with you?"

"Yep! Just right behi- Where are they?!" I chuckled as he began to panick where the two girls are. I noticed the two girls not far behind him and tapped his shoulder making him stop and pointed at the two who just happened to stop in front of us.

"Where were you two?! I thought you were lost or something!!"

"No need to shout geez." Sayaka said with a scowl and pulled Airi by her arm and pointed at her.

"Apparently this damn fujoshi had to stop because she saw a cat nearby."

"Whyyyyy!!!!!! I was having fun with the kitty caaaaaat!!" She thrashed around Sayaka's grip until successfully escaping her grip.

"Yeah and because of it we lost a minute or three because of it. We don't have all day to tour Haise around school you know?" She said then turned to Syo with a glare.

"And you. Of all the time in the world why did you want us to meet up at 8:30 in the morning? Ten would've been fine."

"That's because I can only tour with you guys around 8:30!! Coach said that I should be at practice by ten!!" He shouted and I felt my eye twitch at his voice.

'Even I wanted to complain when you guys got here because I hate mornings! But after hearing your excuse I'll let it slip for now.'

"Staaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrreeeee~~~" I glanced at Airi who was staring at me and raised a brow.

"Is something wrong Airi?" She didn't say anything before she pointed at me.

"What's your blood type?"


"Airi. What did I say about sudden questions?"

"I was just asking because his aura seemed to be irritated."

'How'd she notice that?'

"So? Blood type." She said and they all stared at me and I groaned with a scowl.

"Blood type AB."

"I knew it!! No wonder why your smile didn't reach your eyes!!" I felt a vein pop on my forehead at her loud voice and she noticed this and covered her mouth and gave me a peace sign.

"Ahehe. Sorry." I groaned and sighed.

"Can we just get over this? I'm not actually a morning person. In fact, I hate mornings." Syo seemed shocked and paled.

"I'm so sorry! If only I knew sooner I would've suggested that we do this in the afternoon!"

"No need to shout and apologize Syo. I understand after hearing your excuse."


"I meant reason. So let's just do this so I can go home and sleep." I said and they nodded as we entered school premises and they began touring me around by starting inside the rooms and labs in the building.

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