Chapter 5: Sewing Life Alchemist

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A/N: Hello! This is probably going to be my least favorite chapter so bear with me. As always, I own Claudia, but I am adding a new character soon.

Roy's office-
Claudia's (15 year old) POV:
After Roy got what was coming for him, we went back to his office. I  explained to Ed and Al what happened to the Elementals and about my locket. "Chloe, would you do me a favor?" Roy asked. "Sure, what is it?" I replied, hoping it would be something exciting. "Make sure those two don't get killed." Roy said. This is going to be the best thing in my life! "Ok, where are they going?" I asked, hoping it wouldn't be boring. "Shou Tucker's house. He should be able to assist them in finding a philosophers  stone." Roy said.

Time Skip

Claudia's POV:
We walked through the front gate to Shou Tucker's house and I had to sidestep out of the way so that I wasn't jumped on by the dog. The dog landed on Ed instead and wouldn't get off. I fell to the ground laughing hysterically. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" Ed screamed. This just made me laugh even more, even though it wasn't funny. "Alexander! Get off of him!" a little girl yelled from the doorway. The dog got up off of Ed and trotted happily over to the little girl who now had a man standing behind her. I stopped laughing immediately after I saw Mr. Tucker. I remember this guy, he's the one who made the talking chimera! I quickly got up and so did Ed, and we followed the man inside. He took us to a huge library and showed us around most of the rest of the house. While Ed and Al were in the library reading, I decided to play with Nina and Alexander. I chased them all around outside and all around the inside of the house until they chased me into the library. It was like a maze in there and I eventually lost them. I was hiding in the corner of the room when a book caught my eye. It was titled The Incomplete History of Elementals which I had read a thousand times, but there was something different about this copy that only an Elemental would notice; on the spine of the book was the symbol of air. I reached for the copy and as I pulled it out, a secret door opened. 'I knew something looked suspicious about that shelf!'  Out of curiosity, I went into the secret room. In the room were tons of books about elementals, ancient relics, and some battle gear. I picked up one of the books off of the shelves. "I've never seen this one, or that one, ooh, or that one..." my thoughts drifted as I picked every book off the shelf that I hadn't read yet, which was most of the collection. Once I had gathered up all the books I hadn't read, I set them down on a desk and began reading. I had lost track of time and before I knew it, Ed, Al, and Nina were all yelling my name and looking for me. I quickly put a bookmark in my book, shut my book, and left the secret room closing the door behind me.

Time Skip

The next day we came back, but this time I went straight to the library since Ed and Al said that they would watch Nina. I finished all of the books that I had found and left to go outside to find Nina riding Alexander chasing Ed. It was the funniest thing I had seen in years so I ended up laughing my head off. I was laughing a lot recently. It was strange. A few minutes later, another girl walked through the front gate, and Alexander takled her. Ed and I started laughing so hard that we fell over. I managed to calm myself down long enough to breathe. I can't say the same about Ed but it's fine. I walked over and helped get Alexander off of the girl. "Thanks. I'm Sienna, by the way." The girl said. "Chloe." I said in response. I held out my hand for her to shake it and she did. "Well, I came here to see Edward and Alphonse Elric." Sienna said, getting down to business. "Oh, they are right over there." I said, pointing to the boys. "Thanks." Seinna said. And then she started walking to the brothers. "Wait! Are you a state alchemist?" I asked. "Yes, why?" Sienna responded, wondering were I was going with this. "I know you! Your the Black Rose Alchemist, right?" I continued. "Yes, why?" Sienna asked, now wondering how I knew this. "I'm Claudia Mustang! We were friends way back when!" I said in excitement.

A/N: Hi hope you enjoyed. See you soon.


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