Chapter 8: Flaming Pony

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a long time. As always I only own Claudia and Sienna. I do not own FMA, FMAB, or any of their characters. The picture above is the closest thing I could find to Roy Mustang. Please Enjoy.

Sienna's POV:

I silently left the room and called Mustang. He and the military arived soon after.

Alphonse's POV:

The military arived at Mr. Tucker's house along with Mustang. Brother was furious. Mustang sent Claudia to the hospital and Mr. Tucker and Nina/Alexander somewhere. Ed and I wanted to go see Nina/Alexander but they wouldn't let us.

Time Skip

In the hospital
Claudia's POV:

I woke up to a lot of lights and a white room. Someone came over to me but I couldn't make out who it was because my eyes were still focusing on the amount of light in the room. The person hugged me and my vision became clear. "Chlo, are you ok?!" Roy said 'That idiotic flaming pony...' I thought to myself. The last time anyone hugged me was when I was nine. "I'm fine, flame brain. You do realize that I only passed out, right?" I said to my brother. He really can be an idiot sometimes. "Look, flaming pony, I'm fine, may I please leave this stupid hospital!" Roy facepalms and shakes his head. "You're not leaving." "But Roy..." I said, pleading almost. "No. Your staying in the hospital and that's final." Roy said, cutting me off. "Why." Was all I said in response. "Because your my baby sister."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I will be posting another chapter soon-ish.


The Elemental (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora