What's love without tragedy

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"I ask you what's the matter, you say oh it's nothing at all. Hearts racing, out of control, and you knew that I couldn't let it go."


"It's protocol, you knew what you were getting into when you chose to be with her. I'm giving you 24 hours starting....now." The call ended, and so did Beyoncé's life. She had two choices: kill her wife, or kill her wife.

The Houston native thought of their two year old daughter and all of the memories they shared. She didn't even bother to wipe the warm tears that raced down her face.

She let the salty liquid soak into her blouse, as she watched her wife on camera. If she was aware that she'd take the life of the love of her life, she would've backed out long time ago.

"Knowles. Your wife has been smuggling coke across the border since she was 16. She murders for fun. She was born into the streets. You knew exactly how this would play out. I don't even know why you bothered to fall in love with her anyway, did you not know who her father was?

She did. She knew of the feared man very well before he "mysteriously" died 5 years ago.

Beyoncé cleared her throat, getting up from the panel of cameras to go home.

She could either kill her wife, or watch her wife and her daughter get tortured until the day one of them dies.

"I'll see you later, Lieutenant." She brushed passed him, quickly walking out of the headquarters.

The ride home felt like death all in itself. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to run. Her hazel eyes darkened with fear as she drove into the driveway of her home. The same home she was about to break apart.

"Mommy!" The two year old ran up to her, smiling with her pacifier in her mouth.

"I told Robyn to stop letting you get ahold of this," she pointed to the pacifier, smiling at the baby.

Reagan was born on November 15th in 2013. Robyn's egg was planted in Bey, so the mothers both experienced pregnancy in some form. Chris, who was also Robyn's best friend since they were kids, was the donor.

Reagan was a healthy baby, and the reason as to why the love that Robyn and Beyoncé shared strengthened.

Robyn watched her loves from the kitchen, not even aware that the sight before her was one of the last memories she capture.

"How was work?" Robyn came up behind her wife, hugging the woman and their daughter.

"Work was....different. I really don't want to talk about work, Rob. You know I hate talking about that place." Beyoncé turned in her arms, hugging her tightly, cherishing her scent and warmth.

"I'll run you a bath then, go upstairs and I'll but Pooh to bed."

Beyoncé handed her the child, kissing her sandy brown unruly curls before doing so. She watched on sadly as Robyn threw the kid in the air, her little giggles filling their eardrums.

Beyoncé made her way upstairs, stripping down quickly. She went to their closet, opening up the safe to get her gun.

She put her hair in a bun, and tied the robe tighter around her body as she adjusted the silencer on the gun.

"You took the best years of my life, I took the best years of your life."

"Guns are allowed in the house now?" Robyn's green eyes looked into hers through the reflection of the floor mirror.

Beyoncé got up, she wanted so badly to run and kiss all over her wife, but she had to do this.

"Do I at least get a kiss before I go?" Robyn chuckled out as her eyes became glossy.

She was nowhere near surprised. It was life. She'd been taking lives since she was a teen, it's only right that someone would take hers. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

"I'm guessing this why work was so..."different"." Robyn walked closer to her wife, looking in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around the woman's waist, and Beyoncé did the same.

"Take care of her. I know you will. I have at least 2 billion stashed up in New York. Remember, aim for the common iliac." Robyn wiped Beyoncé's tears, sadly smiling at the beauty she fell in love with.

"I'm so sorry." She choked out as the tears never stoped.

"I'm not. Not one bit. I love you." Robyn smashed her lips against her wife's. She felt Beyoncé press the cold metal against her stomach, putting it at an upward angle. The angle that would surely puncture the common iliac artery. A fast death. No suffering.

Beyoncé's finger made its way to the trigger, she kissed until she couldn't kiss anymore.

Her finger slowly pulled, and Robyn's movement ceased. She held on to Beyoncé's body as she fell down to her knees.

Her hand made its way to the wound. And she looked up at Bey for the last time.

"I love you more." Beyoncé cried out as she watched Robyn take her last breath, falling on her back.

"I love you so much more baby." She fell to her knees also, laying with the Bajan who was still warm.

She reached in her robe's pocket, dialing a number, "It's done." She sadly let out, throwing the phone right along with the gun.

"What's love without tragedy?"


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