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Coran pushes a little button, flicks a switch, and turns a knob. It turns on with ease. 

"So all we need to do is put a first and last name into the machine and you can see into that said persons past!"

"Let's use it!" Lance recommends.

"But who should we study" pidge states.

It was true, they can't use the machine without a spasifc person to use it on. So...who?

"Oh..oh! let's learn about Keith."hunk proclaims.

"Why Keith exactly?" Allura questions.

"Well he kinda doesn't tell us mush a...and he's technically not part of the group, well he's not here so he can't tell use, n..not to?" Hunk explains.

It was true, not going to lie. The  paladins agreed and it was time to see what the former red/black Paladin was hiding. They typed in his first name-

"Dose anyone know hi-"


"Thanks lance"

- and his last name and where ready to watch!

So just so you know when we get to the 'flash back' it will be in  italics so keep an eye out in case it's not, oh and it might get a little depressing.

Keith's Past (klance)Where stories live. Discover now