Chapter 4/ unfinished

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Soooo, I'm sorta back, but i won't be finishing this story. After voltron ended i kinda left the fandom mostly and got into other things, i sorry to those who wanted more, but here's a draft that hadn't finished writing. If you want comment what you would want me to write about in the future (check about for things i will write about)

It's here you happy

"Please, let's watch more"

"I don't know pidge I thought about it and it isn't what we're doing invading his  personal life?"

"Na besides he won't find out anytime soon"

Shiro sighs"fine"



"Your pops Is here and with the bacon"Keith's father said.


"Wait isn't shiro Keith's dad?" Hunk asks

"That's is just a dumb nickname besides I thought you were smarter than me hunk"lance jokes



"I'll take some *insert Keith's fathers name*"

"Where's nevaeh"

"Right here!...and here you go Keith"

Just by touching the waffles Keith new they were plane, he vacuumed them up while everyone was still eating there bacon.

Once everyone was done, nevaeh patted Keith on the shoulder got up and the to left.

"You two heading to school?"krolia asks. 

"Yup, come on Keith let's go!"

Keith and nevaeh go outside hand in hand, oddly enough they put on helmets and ( you probably know what's coming) Get on a motorcycle  WOW IM SO ORIGINAL  and head to Keith's first day of school.

"Hi Keith nice to meet you I'm Ms. chemel I'll help you around and with you schoolwork"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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