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The door to the dorm was opened by Mingyu and Jihoon pushed Y/N's wheelchair in. She laughed to try to brighten up the dull mood "Don't you guys think the wheelchair is a bit overkill?" Jihoon's serious face didn't change as he pushed her over to the family room. Jun and Vernon carried some of her baggage in. "Also I think I'm well enough to be back in my apartment, I don't need to sleep here." Jihoon sat in the couch and let out a stressed sigh. "Y/N I don't you if you remember correctly but the doctor said you need rest for a week, which meant no leaving your bed. How are you supposed to take care of yourself if you can't get out of bed?"

He was right. You were practically useless right now. Whatever that poison was, it made your muscles weak, to the point where you would just drop if you tried to stand and don't even mention the giant migraines that you got every single day. And your body still rejected everything but Jello. But you had eaten it so much that it began to be sickening. Why jello!? You had begun a love/hate relationship with that colorful gelatin substance.

"Where should we put the bags hyung?" Vernon asked as he paused to take a rest. "Go put them by my bed." Jihoon instructed. "You can sleep on my bed and me and the hyungs can sleep somewhere else." Jihoon had shared a room with Seungcheol, Jeonghan and occasionally Mingyu. Who had two beds in two different rooms for some odd reason. Seungkwan groaned from the other side of the couch "Why are you taking Y/N to your room? She can share with me." Jihoon turned his head to the younger, his expression cold. Jihoon grabbed a pillow and threw it as hard as possible, knocking Seungkwan to the ground in a blabbering mess.

Jihoon propped your back up with a pillow. He had tucked you in and now he was getting you comfortable.   Once he situated it just right he backed off to examine you. He ran his hand through his hair, a habit of his when he is stressed out. You frowned at the dark shadows from underneath his beautiful eyes. "Come here baby." his heart felt like it stopped for a moment. The sudden use of a nickname like that gave him chills up his arms. You looked at him confused "What's wrong baby?" You asked him.

Suddenly he pounced on you and attacked your lips. It was so unexpected and sudden you couldn't move your lips with his. But that didn't seem to effect him. He kissed down your chin to your neck. He pressed sweet kisses along your collarbone. "J-Jihoon?" You asked wanting him to stop. You didn't want this to lead to something that you know you'll both regret. You could feel his urge as he came back to claim your lips passionately "Don't worry I locked the door. Just relax. Let me take care of you."

You blushed as he began to suck on your lower lip and as he began to play with the waistband of your sweatpants. You groaned as he began to grind a little against your leg. He suddenly sat up, straddling your hips. He took off his shirt, revealing his beautiful milky skin. Your fingers where drawn to his chest, he looked down at you with half lidded eyes that were filled with not lust but love. He leaned back down to captivate your lips. You wrapped your hands against his middle section and you rubbed his upper back. You moaned his name a little as he pressed against you. Something hard rubbing against you-

Suddenly the door flew open "Hey guys- Oh my god." You and Jihoon stopped and turned to see Seungcheol. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" He suddenly yelled. Jihoon scrambled off you "H-Hyung! I can explain!" Seungcheol turned his head to try to ignore the fact that the younger leader was shirtless and that he was on top of you, making out in a quite interesting way "You better have a reason for that shit Jihoon." Jihoon was taken back by his hyung swearing, who hardly every said anything even close to that.

You nervously spoke up "W-We weren't going to do anything. I'm too weak right now for anything like that." Jihoon turned to you feeling a little betrayed because that was the opposite of what he was thinking. But he decided to agree with you so the situation wouldn't spiral out of control. Seungcheol sighed and rubbed his temples "I-I didn't know you guys had feelings for each other like that. I knew you two liked each other but not that much..." He turned back to your before continuing "Or where you two just using each other?" Both Jihoon and your faces drained of all color. Did actually think you guys were- Oh my gosh.
"No Hyung! We never did anything like this I swear!"

For some reason it didn't look like the older male didn't look like he believed you. Until. He started laughing. Wait why was he laughing? Suddenly Jun and a few others came Into the room laughing their faces off. You blushed a deep red and Jihoon covered his chest slightly embarrassed. "Oh my gosh great acting Coups hyung!" Vernon laughed and gave the leader a high five. Seungcheol stopped laughing and wiped his figurative tears "Guys, Jun literally told me everything, I knew this whole time. When we heard weird noises we figured we knew what you were up to." Jihoon's head whipped around to a smirking crossed armed Jun "I'm literally going to murder you in your sleep." "Ooh kinky" Jun responded with a wink. Jihoon didn't know if he should be angry or disgusted. So he was both.

He grabbed a pillow it and threw it as hard as possible, hitting Seungkwan a second time "Owww" He cried as he fell to the ground. "Get out now. All of you." Jihoon said sternly. "I will cut all of your lines in half if you don't." He used his power as the producer to hold over their heads. Seungcheol laughed and ushered all the members out. Jeonghan was the last to leave "Don't forget protection." He teased and winked. "I don't care if your my hyung I'm going to kick your ass." Jihoon threatened and stood up to chase him out of the room.

You literally felt like dying from embarrassment. That was one of the embarrassing situations you've ever been in. Jihoon locked the door and fell face down by your feet "I don't think I've actually considered mass murder till now." You laughed a little "Yeah same." He smiled and looked up from the bed "We can murder them together then." He took your hand gently. He said it so sweetly it was hilarious. You both broke out into fits of laughter. "But seriously I'm going to murder them."

Hehehehe. I'm back. After being gone for like ever😅
Sorry. So when I was on hiatus I will discovered how many grammar and spelling issues there was! I write most of my stuff in my free time aka 3 am. So I'm super sorry for all the incorrect wording and such😅 I'm probably going to be editing them soon😂

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