Food fight Part 1

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(Just saying this now but I might switch names and stuff by accident just so I have a feel for what I want in this book) anyways onward

Mana and her friends yes including Aguri but Makoto had to go shoot a new music video, anyways they went to Mana's family's diner for some food. It was pretty quiet, they were still serving some guests still

"Such a big group of five I'll make food right away!" Mana's father and grandfather said rushing into the kitchen area 

"Whoa whoa guys calm down it's just us you don't need to make a fancy meal!" Mana said almost screaming and making everyone notice her, she just awkwardly started at everyone hoping to make it less awkward... but it didn't help at all, it made it more awkward... Rikka just pushed Mana into a seat breaking the awkwardness. 

"You gotta stop yelling like that! Or sometime during battle you gonna end up doing that and hurt yourself pretty badly!" Aguri said to her, "what battles?" Mana's mother asked as she was going to ask what they wanted to eat. "Oh umm friendly races and stuff like that," Aguri said shrugging her shoulders in the middle of her sentence.  Then everyone was laughing awkwardly and nervous about what Aguri said and if she would belive it at all. Her mother shrugged it off and asked what they wanted for a start. They took the same as usual Sashimi without Wasabi. As they were waiting for food Alice had the most dumbest but best idea ever! 

"Guys we should play truth or dare while we wait!" Alice finally said to them. They all nodded, but Aguri was left out since she was a little to young. "So who's going first?" Alice says without thinking about what she said, they could pick her for starts. Mana then raises her hand slightly "I'll ask first!" She shouts again but Rikka covers her mouth before she gets any louder "stop Mana..."  Then everyone started to stare at Mana again

"OK just go Mana, ask Me or Rikka truth or dare," Alice said to Mana, then Mana pointed at Rikka and said "truth or dare," Aguri and Alice looked at Rikka, she felt like both truth or dare is terrible, so without thinking "truth." She said, Mana looked sad but said "ok who do you like?" Then Rikka started to blush a little, she didn't really wanted to say anything "well, umm." Then a Jikochuu appeared on their table. "HOLY SH-!" Mana screamed as everyone ran back then Makoto came running in "Dabyi felt a dark heart beat and told me it came from here!" She said as they all looked at the Jikochuu. "It's glitter time!"

After they transformed

"Time for a little piece of my heart, feel the doki doki!" Heart said. "Tch I don't feel doki doki!" A voice said from a distance. "Tch Ira why are you back?" Diamond said not even knowing who it was. "What! How did you know!" Ira said as he teleported... "lucky guess, I guess." Diamond said

To be continued 

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