Cotton Candy pt. 2

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Rikka huffed running from Aguri and Makoto, she stuffed cotton candy down her throat and gulping it down, Aguri spotted her and ran to her with Makoto. Rikka sighed and called for help, she yelled. While the voice came back and teleported her away. She smiled when she landed on a roof sitting down on a metal pipe. She thanked Ira for saving her. Let me explain... she made a bet with him yesterday and if she won he had to do her work and do anything for her, if he won Rikka had to quit the precure and leave. She won becuase she cheated again...

He looked at her again, and off into the distance. She looked at him and walked up to him, she bent down held his face turned it around and put it close to her face, he started blushing and struggling, she grabbed her sleeve and wiped his face, "your face has marker on it," she giggled letting go and falling down on Ira getting up and teleporting away in anger, Marmo or Bel probably did it.

I got up but saw a golden half-heart locket, I picked it up, it's chain flowing down. I looked at it and held it to my heart. "I understand, I love this gift is it real gold?" Rikka asked herself as she climbed down the short building next to Mana's parents restaurant. I put the locket on me and hid it under my clothing, I hear a small giggle behind me and smile, walking away into the restaurant with Aguri and Makoto gone already. Mana and Alice are sitting on the seats.

"Rikka! You were gone all day! Where were you!" Mana shouts, I explain I ran away from those two and decide to go around town. They both nodded and hugged me, I felt the locket push against my collar bone and Alice looking what it is, I said I bought it and lost the other half. She smiled and took it in her hand and stroked it.

I smiled and took a step back looking at the dark bathroom door without light.

(1 minute later)

Mana and Alice were in the bathroom sniffing the cotton candy toilet paper, it's new as Mana's parent bought. The light was flickering and the sweet scent of the bathroom was filling up the rooms, Rikka sat down on a chair and grabbed a milkshake, Ira teleported into the seat across from Rikka and made another straw. Putting it in and sipping the blueberry milkshake. Rikka smiled and continued sipping. There is a legend that Mana and Alice are still sniffing that toilet paper to this day.

(Thanks everyone for reading and I hope I can get back on track and keep this book still going until the end! I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter, preview for next one... Everyone visits Makoto's recording studio and Regina watches from the shadows with Bel, Marmo, and Ira... when Ira backs down to save someone.)

One of a kind (Rikka x Ira)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن