Saving Splinter

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The turtles, Venus brothers, April and Casey drive to the entrance of New York but they see that it is heavily guarded. One of the guards walk up to the party wagon and Casey rolls down the window.

Guard: This is a restricted area, please move this area

Casey: Alright Officer

The Mikey starts freaking out Raph covers his mouth and Casey had went through the gate. The guards start shooting at them. The others looked at him like he was insane.

April: Are you crazy
Casey: It was the only to get in

They drove through the empty streets of New York. The turtles looked devastated about not stopping the mutation of New York.

Leo: First we find Splinter and Venus. We save Karai.

They drive until the Kraang showed up.

Donnie: Ready canons and fire blower

They got into battle stations

Donnie: Fire away

They destroyed the Kraang

They go through the streets and through the hidden passage to the lair. They searched and searched for Splinter but they didn't find him. They see a droid scanning the area. The droid saw a rat and shot it.

The turtles come back to April and Casey and to Mikey. Until April felt something.

April: Guys I see Splinter... Ahh come on this way this isn't him.

They saw Splinter fighting the foot bots but they didn't see Venus with him or around the area.

Leo: Protect Splinter and don't let him get away.

They fight the remaining of the foot bots until more came and they knock out splinter and took to the Shredder.

They go through the hidden passage way the Shredders minions go through and they were fighting a shrimp sized Shredder. They get to the lab and they see Splinter in a containment.

Baxter: Do you want some Cheese

Splinter smells it until Baxter threw up on it.

Raph: I hate that guy

When he left the lab the turtles free Splinter but then Baxter Stockman came back.

Baxter: What the turtles here

He was going to press a button to warn shredder but he stopped by chains wrapped around his ankle. Still reaching but he was pulled back with force. The turtles got Splinter out but still wasn't himself.

Baxter: Hope you like my new shredder minions

The turtles were ready to fight them.

Leo: April is their a way you could bring back his memory
April: I can try
The turtles went back to fighting. Splinter attacked Casey, but he use his tasers on Splinter. April places a hand on his cheek and transfer the memories. He remembers and takes her hand off his cheek.
April: Master Splinter
He stands proud and helps his sons. Fighting the Shredder's henchmen, he looks at his sons.
Turtles: Sensei
Splinter: I missed you my sons and my sons friends.
Shredder: So the rat acts as a man. I get to finish what I started.
Splinter was about to attack but Leo stops him
Splinter: We will fight another time
The team vanishes and ride the party wagon. They were discussing where are they going to hide, until Mikey came up with an idea.
Mikey: Dudes I know where, it's secret and no one will find us there.
Raph: Am I the only one worried about this.

They go to Antonio's pizza and cleaned it up.
Splinter: Not what I had in mind but it will due.
April: I feel the people of New York are still here but somewhere.

Somewhere in Dimension X the mutants are working.

April Meets Venus Where stories live. Discover now