Chapter 1

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!"  An alarm sounded in his room, as Hayden groans in annoyance of the alarm clock. 

He gets up from his bed, as he rubs his eyes, "The first day in a new school. " 

All his life as he remembers, he has been transferred to different cities and it makes him feel bad, considering that nothing would ever cheer him up.

He puts his clothes on as a black dog jumps into his chest, causing him to fall into the ground, hard. 

"Toothless!" Hayden exclaimed with a shocked tone, as the dog licks his owner with a wet lick on his cheek. 

"Calm down, boy! You're going to make me late on my first day of school!" Hayden said, getting the dog off his chest, as the dog whimpers . 

Hayden smiles at the black dog, "I'll be back soon, I promise." 

He went down the stairs with his backpack to see his cousin, Johnny who was waiting for him. 

"Johnny." The boy said, stately greeting his cousin. Johnny Jorgenson is the captain of the Berksville High Basketball team, and he loves the attention he has gotten from the crowds.

"Listen, just because we're going to be in the same school, you better not ruin my reputation, you got that?" Johnny said, with a stern and serious tone. 

Hayden couldn't argue with him, no matter how he tries to be. 

As he and Johnny walk to school, the students already surrounded Johnny, pushing Hayden to the sidelines. 

He was about to fall, when someone instantly grabs him , from falling into the hard cement floor. 

Her eyes were blue as the sea, and her hair was braided. 

Her outfit was a light blue skirt . 

"You should be more careful if I were you." She said. 

Hayden rubs his head, trying to act casual to the girl who has saved him from total embarrassment in front of the whole school.

As he was about to introduce himself to her, the school bell rang for first period. 

"I have to go to practice . I'll see you around. " She said. 

Hayden begins to grow more curious than ever before, as he begins to wonder who was that mysterious girl.

As he puts the books into his locker, a boy said, "You really have some interesting subjects, my friend." 

Hayden jumps as the boy seems to be embrassed of his reaction. 

"Sorry! Sorry!" He stammers nervously as he helps Hayden with carrying his schoolbooks.

"It's all right. Just ... don't do that ever."  Hayden said. 

The boy nods, "I'm Freddy, by the way. Freddy Ingrerman." 

Hayden begins to form a small smile as he gestures for a handshake offering. 

"It's nice to meet you, Freddy. I'm Hayden , Hayden Haddock." 

In that moment, Hayden didn't realize it, but the first interaction with the mysterious girl would change his life forever. 

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