Chapter 12

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Rachel was in the gym, practicing her routine for the upcoming cheerleader events for the school.

Even though that she was now the new team Captain of the cheerleaders, it was kind of overwhelming reality for her.

Hathor said, "Girl, you are ok?" The Cheerleader notices her, as she puts the pom-poms down.

"Oh, hey, Hathor. Sorry, I didn't really paid attention. I didn't realize that you were here in the school gym."

Hathor laughs at Rachel, "Hey, it's all right, Rach. You had a lot of things surrounding in your plate now,

You have a boyfriend, being the new Captain of the cheerleaders in Berksville High isn't going to be a piece of cake. "

The cheerleader nods in agreement of what her best friend has said.

"Hey, I'm actually grateful that I have Hayden in my life now, he's really knows how to make people change for one other." Rachel said, smiling.

"Especially for Ashley Hofferson?" A voice asks which cause both girls to jump in total shock and surprise .

They turned around to find out who spoke as it reveals to be Tim, who was leaning in the gym doors.

"Bro, what you mean? You really think that Ashley has changed?!? Do you remember what she has done to me, especially to Hayden?

She made a car accident that put Hayden in a coma, and made him an amputee , making him to loose  his left leg , for crying out loud! Oh, haven't you forgotten that she embarrassed me in front of the whole school?!?" 

Tim said, "I know that you really are upset and irate for what she has done for the horrible things she did, but you really have to give her a second chance." 

Hathor scoffed, "A second chance?! I really don't think so! She really is truly a bully inside and out!

She will not bother us again!" 

But then the commotion outside as the students spread the word. 

"Hey, have you picked out a dress yet?" A girl asks her friend as the girl replies, "No, I haven't! I'm really am excited for it and glad that this would be fun for the whole school!" 

"I heard it cost a lot of money for it, let's go make fundraisers at the beach! She needs all the help she can get. "

"I bet it help a lot , and it is best for the animal shelters. "  

Scott couldn't believe how much the students were excited for the first official Spring Prom, and it couldn't be a better situation for Hayden. 

When Hayden explains to him about how the Hofferson's abusive actions on Ashley,  

Scott couldn't believe it, with what Ashley has done so much to Hayden and their families, he doesn't like if someone pisses one of his friend's lives. 

"I couldn't believe that Ash didn't rely anyone to help her like that! If I known what her situation was, I would defend her in a heartbeat." 

Freddy said, pointing out, "It wasn't entirely easy, Scott. She has to obey her parents or else she would face more pain all together. " 

Scott said, "True. At least we finally know the truth of her rude behavior in school. I just wish that she would try to make friends instead of being miserable in the first place, you know." 

As no one never notices it, but Tim was watching over Ashley Hofferson. In some way, he cares for her, like she was his adoptive sister figure. 

Tim knew that Ashley needs some brotherly advice, for someone to take under his wing. 

He follows her as he creeps through the window, as he notices Ashley with her parents. 

Ashley was scared, pail as a ghost, as she was with her parents. Her father yells at her, "You little creep! 

You disobeyed the Hofferson's, by reforming yourself by making a silly Prom at Berksville High! "

Her mother didn't dare talk to her either, as if she really can't believe her own daughter betray their rules once again.

Ashley whimpers as her father grabs an iron whip, as he instantly whips her arm as the teenager groans in pain from the bruises.

As she walks away to her bedroom, she heard a tapping noise on her window.

She lifts the window up, as she was stunned to see Tim who was in her backyard!

"Tim?" She asks , as she jumps from her bedroom window to the lawn, where Tim embraces her with hug.

It was a long embrace, as if the world stops for a moment, like her fears of her parents had vanished.

As she pulls from the embrace of her friend, she was curious .

"What in the name of Thor you doing here, Tim?

Did you-" She asks, as Tim nods at her, as he knew what the teen meant.

He said, "I saw all of it , Ash. Here." He tore a piece of his t-shirt as he makes a bandage over the new whip mark as she winces.

"That took a lot of guts, to stand up to them. Still , I can't believe that your parents would do something so horrible ." Tim said, as Ashley rubs the bandage.

"I am trying my best I can to please them, though. It's just not that easy." Ashley said, felt embarrassed of the situation.  

She notices the light of her bedroom. "I had to go back. I don't want you to get anymore trouble than already have." 

"You really don't have to go back to that horrible place, though. You have to find a forever home, where good people to take care of you." Tim pleads, feared for her safety. 

"Tim, I will be fine, don't worry, I'll survive. Just help me with making the School Spring Prom. It would make me feel at ease with dealing with school activities for a while." Ash said, trying to get the teen to feel comfortable and at ease. 

Tim said, looking back as he leaves, "If you say so. But Ash, please consider it." 

Ashley hesitant, but smiles at her friend.  

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