. Tips 😕 pt 2

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🥀 do not wear a tampon for more than 3-5 hours

🥀 wear pads to bed 🛏

🥀 wear pads farther back when going to sleep

🥀 drink pms or moon cycle tea

🥀 try to take a nap when the cramps get unbearable

🥀 hydrogen peroxide and cold water get out stains

🥀 create a period kit for school or work and keep it in your bag

🥀 take pain meds in the beginning of the day to fight off cramps that might come later on in the morning

🥀 reduce the amount of salt and caffeine because those can cause cramps

🥀 buy a heating pad or hot water bottle

🥀 stay hydrated and drink lots of water

🥀 invest in a portable heating pad, they can do wonders

🥀 exercise try yoga

🥀 wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes

🥀 always carry around baby wipes or vagwipes

🥀 use a period tracker, I personally use Flo

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