Things to do before bed!

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Wash your face
wash your face to make sure all the dirt from throughout the day doesn't make your face break out.

Do your skincare routine
washing your face, moisturizing, etc!

make sure to apply castor oil, coconut oil or Vaseline to your lashes
I usually apply coconut oil and I've been seeing some difference like my lashes have gotten a lot longer.

plan your outfit for the next day
in case you have a very packed morning and you are always late, this is a perfect way to give you about 7 extra minutes (or however long it takes you to pick your outfit out).

take care of your feet
apply a heavy moisturizer like vaseline or coconut oil (i use vaseline) and put some socks on so your feet will be extra soft!

do a light workout
maybe a few pushups, situps, flutter kicks, etc! it helps you burn more calories as you sleep.

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