getting over an ex

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Three-day rule
the three-day rule is basically where you go three days without your ex. No calling him, texting him, lurking on his page etc. Unfollow him, block him, anything that helps you get rid of memories like that.

Get rid of memories
get rid of anything that reminds you of him. Sweatshirts, pictures, etc. You could cleanse your phone and home of him.

Focus on you
Do stuff for yourself. Go out, do face masks, take a nice bath, anything that helps you with you, things that are for you and you only. I usually watch a tv show like friends or something. It helps and keeps you in giggles.

take a few days to cry it out
Sometimes crying is the best option, but please drink some water after.

Find stuff to distract you
find stuff that helps you keep your mind off him. Music, tv shows, youtube, anything!

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