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Megan smiled as she walked into her house. "I'm home!" She called out.

"Megan!" Yelled her eight year-old brother, Garfield, running up to her.

"Garfield! I didn't see you this morning. How was your first day of Grade Four?" She asked, hugging her half-brother.

"It was awesome! How was Grade Ten?" He asked her, his baby blue eyes staring at her.

"Awesome!" Megan laughed, "It already have three friends!"

"Noted." He replied, just as their uncle walked in, "Uncle John!" He yelled.


Kaldur sat down on the couch, his mother and step-father were out. He yawned, stretching. Today had been good. Very good. All summer he had just stayed inside reading, or went swimming in the ocean. Even though it had been two years he was still getting over Tula's death. But he was getting better. He was talking to people again, making friends with classmates. When Tula first died he never talked to anyone, raging at anyone who tried to help, but now he was becoming himself again, becoming Kaldur'ahm.

Kaldur turned on his Playstation, grabbing his controller. 'Welcome: Aqualad" flashed on the screen, as he turned on his favourite game: Young Justice. He smiled, Aqualad was the best side of him. Grabbing some chips, the swimmer sat down and started playing.


Dick opened the door. "I'm home!" He yelled, breaking the silence.

No one said anything back. Dick frowned, he couldn't wait until Alfred got back in two days. His stomach grumbled loudly as the ebony made his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and was met with three things: lettuce, apples, and milk. The boy groaned, opening the cupboards seeing two slices of bread, Indian spices, and granola. He grabbed out the bread, sticking it in the toaster, and the milk, pouring some in a glass, and an apple for good measure.

"Note to self: pick up food." He muttered.

After Dick ate he made his way to the upstairs bathroom, taking off his shirt. He was met with several bruises on his stomach and rib cage. He then proceeded to take the toilet paper off his forearms. It was slightly stuck, it had been there all day. Eventually it came off, showing seven cuts altogether. Dick cleaned them and wrapped them up again, then collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.


"Connor! How was your first day?" Lex Luthor asked his son once he walked in.

"Great" Connor grumbled.

"Wonderful. Go get changed. We're leaving for the party in an hour." Lex said, walking off.

Connor unpacked his backpack and changed into a tuxedo. They were going to one of those 'Upper Class' party's. Connor had been going to those since he was born.

An hour later Connor was in a limo, driving to the party. He was wearing a white and black tuxedo with a red tie. His father had always said 'it accents your entire outfit. Can't go without a bright tie'. The teen rolled his eyes, this was going to be a long night. Where was that cute redhead from his school when he needed her?


Wally subconsciously gulped as he walked into his house. To his horror, his father was home, but to his relief, he didn't look drunk, or mad.

"Hi, dad." Wally quickly said, gently placing his backpack on the couch.

"Wally, how-" He got cut off by the phone ringing. "Yes, of course. Alright. See you soon."

He put the phone back. "Barry and Iris. They were wondering if you wanted to stay with them for a month, since I have to leave for work."

Wally almost jumped with joy, but refrained himself. "Yes, I'd love to." He replied.

A month without his dad. This was going to be awesome!

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