Chapter1-first born

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"Okay...Mrs.miller your doing great just one last push and your baby girl will be out"
The room came to a standstill, once the final push was over the small fragile baby came out...
silence.....suddenly the baby started screeching and her skin was scorching hot but her skin omg her skin was the color purple and her eyes pitch black...
Lexica was born may 25th year 4010, she was a healthy child...after what was seen in the hospital everything about her will forever remain a mystery to the doctors so every month she's brought in for testing but not by her mother by her adoptive mother....let me take you guys to that night..,

"Just throw her into the lake she's a disgrace what kind of baby comes out purple with pitch black eyes?!?"
"I can't do it jake she's our baby we have to take care of her I can't do this to our baby" the women stated  while crying hysterically
"YOU CANT BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW...Well, don't worry I'll do it.." Jake grabbed the baby from his wife and hesitated to throw the child into the lake due to the baby giggling and resting her chubby hand on her fathers chest... once broken from his sudden hesitation he threw the child into the lake and dragged away his crying wife, they got into their red pickup truck and sped off... luckily for the poor baby someone had been watching from a distance and quickly dove into the lake retrieving the baby and bring her to safety...,
"Don't worry baby I'll take good care of you..."
the stranger held the child close to their chest gazing up at the night sky then quickly turned around and ran due to the sound of the couple's truck returning.

Turns out the mother of the child had gotten a call from her mother telling her the reason behind the child's abnormal appearance during the birthing...lexica was a rare human being..yes she's human but a special kind of human.

Lexica was brought to the strangers home, she was closely monitored to see if the impact with the water had done anything to her and to much surprise she was..doing..just...fine...which intrigued the stranger they knew any normal baby would be hysterical but nope lexica lay there giggling, drooling and kicking her stubby legs into the the stranger went off to sleep keeping lexica close by afraid she'll be stolen.

Months went by with lexicas parents going on a full-blown search for her trying to find their rare baby but every time they had a lead it came up dry..which was shocking because they were so certain and dependent on the connection between the mother and child but what they didn't know was once lexica was thrown into the lake she was no longer their child the lake has blessed her with a new guardian and started an official connection between the two and will disconnect if one were to perish...
Lexica was distraught she wondered who her father was she desperately wanted to find him but what could a fifteen year old do her mother hid everything that had to do with her father there were no pictures of her from birth and her birth certificate not to be seen but she didn't push she just went with the story of having a deadbeat dad that didn't love her and her mother enough to stay but that wasn't the case her adoptive mother wasn't exactly human and her father wasn't either they were two of the most powerful native people on earth they had the power to control anything they pleased and because the lake blessed her with new guardians she was also blessed with the additional powers of her adoptive parents. So right now she was powerful than any other creature, being on earth...

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