Chapter 2- new powers

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Lexica spent months staying indoors not once was the child able to go outside and explore the unknown she knew of her powers but It came with unforeseen circumstances instead of letting you guys guess and anticipate I'll just flat out tell you what happened..,
The young girl sat on the floor playing with her dolls she simply thought about how fun this game would actually be if she had someone to Play with but she was distracted by a small bird perched on her windowsill it sat they looking at her not once blinking the young girl deemed the behavior of the bird was odd due to the many cartoons and shows she's watched that included wildlife. So she stood up and walked towards it as she was walking the blackbird flew in and suddenly transformed into man his appearance screamed the word DANGER but the young girl simply looked at him a started giggling why you may ask no one will never know but once she started giggling the man fell to the ground in agony screaming his heart out until he simply perished into a pile of feathers ... the magic used at the moment still remains a mystery to me.
Later on in the day her guardian returned and noticed the black feathers sitting neatly on the floor by the window and tried to ask the young girl what happened but couldn't get a clear response so the women much to discomfort put the young girl to sleep and drew out blood and took a sip of it the young girls recent events playing back clearly in her guardians mind with that she deemed it was time to start the young girls training it was best to inform her early than later on where she'll lash out and be destructive to mankind even though the guardian could care less about mankind and you'll find out why later on as we progress with their journey. Now you may wonder where the husband is and if may know he is far..far away but he will be joining us very soon. 
Every day the young girl would wake up she would play with her toys and her guardian would come home and train her simple things such as controlling the octaves of her voice and her laughs and emotions, you see the young girl was upset she didn't have anybody to play with but instead of crying about the newfound loneliness she decided to giggle which still remains confusing to me... but because she was upset and didn't know how to separate her emotion from her power she killed the shapeshifter.

Location: far away
That young girl was known to every supernatural creature but once person she didn't want knowing about her is Vincent her biological mother's father he was ruthless he conducted experiments on every creature trying to harness their power and inject it into himself he wanted to be indestructible. He had the newfound knowledge of the young girl due to his daughter he was on the look of for her if he had her in his grasp he would be immortal, indestructible and the most powerful ugly bastard in the world.
She was the talk of the towns, the woods, the ocean the villages, the underworld, the heavens and the alternate universes. Lucky for her they didn't know how she looked and they didn't know where she currently resides and her sent was masked by her guardian teaching her how to. You would think that she was okay she could just stay inside forever and not have to come out but her guardian isn't immortal sooner or later lexica will grow up and she'll have to start doing things on her own but while she is still young she will be taught everything and will be taught how to use all her powers and will even be able to unlock new ones as well. Not all her lessons will be taught on land some will be taught in water now let's remember that she lexica was born with purple skin that immediately started to fade and return to the norm , her skin transforms in the water where she no longer looks like the norm and has her purple skin with her pitch black eyes and with that comes with a sudden growth of gills and her hair transforms as well instead of her short dark brown bob she has long pitch black hair that covers  her body  and if your wondering no she doesn't grow a tail she Remains with her legs she just looks more out of the norm in water but still is constructed like a human minus the gills.

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