The one I love

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Gonna get pretty dramatic up in here.

Rin's p.o.v

     I felt Haru's tail on my face when I woke up, I lifted my head up and saw his butt, I chuckled and picked him up, setting the right way. His face fell into my chest and he snored lightly, I looked at his jet black hair, he looked up at me. " R-Rin. " He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, I pat his head, his ocean blue eyes stared up at me. " I love you.. " He said as he pushed his face into my chest. " love you too kitten.. " I hugged him, standing up, he wrapped his arms and legs around me as I carried him downstairs.

     He turned into his cat form and I let him outside, he wandered around they yard, I left the door open as I sat in the living room. I was 5 minutes into a show and I heard meowing and hissing, I got up and hurried to the door, Haru was gone. My heart raced as I imagined what was happening to him right now and who took him, I ran around looking down the street. I heard meowing, I quickly turned the corner to see him in Takumi's hands, he turned back into his neko form and kicked Taku. 

     He held a knife to Haru's neck as I stood there helpless, I wasn't able to help the one I love.. I got on my knee's and begged him not to hurt Haru, he looked as me with a creepy grin as he dropped Haru and beat on me. I felt his knife on the back of my neck.

Haru's p.o.v 

     I jumped on his back and kicked him forward, falling onto my back, I felt a slash across my cheek as he fell. I grabbed the knife and closed it putting it in my pocket, grabbing Rin and pulling him up. " If we keep him chasing us for to long he'll eventually catches us with his bigger group. " I yelled back to Rin as we ran. " How do you know? " " I ran away once and they eventually found me.. " I turned the corner and jumped into a bush, dragging Rin along with me, he groaned in pain as all the branches scratched him. " Do you know how to get him to stop chasing you? " " I die.. " I looked at Rin and he seemed shocked and he smiled. " We fake your death! " He looked at me for agreement, I smiled and shook my head, we hopped out and ran to a cafe, sitting at a table in the back. 

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