The Adoption

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I remember a glimpse a small glimpse. My mom made me get in her dark car filled of trash. “Where are we going mommy?” Jordan asked. She didn't awnser all she did was drive for miles. She arrived at a adoption center in Washington DC. She put Jordan up for adoption and left without a word. Someone took him to a small room where he would stay for 1 long year until a caring person came. He had no food except for boiled soup and salt water. Jordan knew this was no adoption center. And it was true it was an asylum for crazy children. But Jordan wasn't insane or crazy was he? He knew the truth his mother never cared for him or his father. She didn't want his father or him at all she only wanted one thing.
Enough money to become the most popular woman in the world. And with that she got 1,000,000 Bucks just for putting him there.
Mom's POV

To Daniel McMorgz
I put our son up for adoption I don't want to ever see you again I will soon become the most popular woman in the world

As she got off her desk she put the letter in an envelope. Then she mailed it to Jordan's father.

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