Ch.1 A World In A Door

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I walked onto the creaky floorboards of the office. “So you want to explore the galaxy” asked the woman beside me. “yes” I said she looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone thinks I'm a person with no money I wish it would stop. Suddenly a woman with reddish hair came in. “what is your name sir” she asked happily. “Jordan McMorgz” I replied. “your name ma'am?” the reddish haired woman asked. “Genny” the girl beside me replied. “Perfect you are assigned as astronaut partners” she said.
Genny almost fainted

Genny's POV

I'm partnered with him I thought almost fainting. I didn't even want to be an astronaut. I wanted to be a school teacher. Suddenly dust filled my lungs. My dreams were crushed this was my last chance. I filled up with tears and said “but I wanted to be a teacher”. The reddish haired woman just shook her head and left. What a jerk she said nothing. Our mission would be on April 3rd


April 3rd
We set off to space Genny freaked out. The wind had almost tilted the thing over. Suddenly it started to tilt and fall we screamed. Genny opened the door and attempted to jump. She inabled her parachute and was landing carefully. I couldn't move and by the time I stood up the wind knocked the thing to the ground. I gasped for breath fire spread inside. The last thing I heard was Genny's voice crying “WAKE UP”.....

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