5. Work It Out (Steve)

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"Steve, shield!"

Here we go.

I move Sharon behind me and catch my shield just in time to deflect a punch from Bucky.

Holy shit, it worked!

Adrenaline rushes through me as I drop my shield and catch Bucky's hands. I push back against him, my eyes locked onto his, and brace for another calculated strike. But, he doesn't go on the defensive.

Instead, he steps back, and I go tumbling into him face first.

Sam cackles as Bucky and I hit the ground, and Sharon just shakes her head and walks around to the other side of the car and away from us.

But Sharon walking away doesn't necessarily stop Bucky from chastising me.

"I swear to Christ, Steven," Bucky says as he drags me to my feet. "What the hell was that?"

I stare at him in shock.

"Did you just call me Steven?" I ask with a smirk.

"The fuck does that have to do with anything?" he says firmly.

"It's called a hustle, sweetheart," Sam chimes from the car, head out the window.

Bucky looks at Sam and says, "Shut the hell up, Wilson!"

I shake my head and grab the front of Bucky's shirt. I pull him to me, not caring what the consequences may be, and close the gap between us with a kiss.

He hesitates for a second, but then he throws caution to the wind and kisses me back. He rests his hands on my hips as a happy hum vibrates through him, and a chill runs through me.

I pull away and rest my forehead against his, and I take a shaky breath.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to kiss you today," Bucky murmurs, "Seeing someone else...I couldn't control myself. The rage hit me like a truck."

I drape my arms around his neck as I ask, "You couldn't quite walk it off, could you?"

"Not when I've got a claim on you," he says.

"I wanted to make sure you still felt that way," I tell him.

"Stevie, baby," he sighs, "You really are clueless, aren't you?"

"Well that depends," I smirk.

"Bullshit," he says, his body finally relaxing against mine. "You're about as clueless as they come, Stevie."

     "You're not wrong, but that doesn't mean you're right," I tease.

     He sighs in frustration, and then he says, "You're literally all I've got, Steve, and seeing you kiss Sharon damn near killed us both. Please, for everyone's sake, make a decision. I can't heal and be led on at the same time."

     Shit, babe...

     That's not what...

     I didn't realize...

     "Hey, we're going to leave for a bit so you two can work this out before you have to go to the airport," we hear as Sharon walks over with Sam in tow. "Call when you're both ready to go."

     I numbly nod and wait for them to drive off and out of sight, and then I look at Bucky.

     "Buck, I think it goes without saying," I say softly. "I will always choose you over everything and everyone."

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