13. Save Yourself First (Natasha)

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I run down the hallway until I see a familiar door, and only after wrenching it open and running inside, do I stop to take a breath.

"Steve, turn on the news!" I shout as I look around the empty apartment for a sign of life.

I run toward the bedroom and when I step inside, I find Steve standing by the window, cell phone pressed to his ear, hand on his hip. He's listening to someone on the other side of the phone call, and it must be a strange topic, as his brow is furrowed and his eyes are searching for something to focus on.

Suddenly, he finds something to lock onto.

I listen quietly as he speaks.

"Mr. President, I would love to come home, but I'm afraid that's impossible," he says calmly. "Secretary Ross and the United Nations have both made it clear that I'm not welcome on American soil, let alone a free man." He pauses to listen, and I notice a flicker of shock cross his face. "Yes, of course." He pauses again. "He's been fired?"

He looks at me as he listens to the President.


    Evans took on the presidency following a major dismantling of the previous President and his cabinet. A few key members from the previous staff stuck around, like Thaddeus Ross, but the majority fled and are now wanted for treason.

    But enough about that.

    The President has Steve's phone number and called him up out of the blue, to personally reliever the news that Ross has been fired and indicted.

     It's history in the making, and it's a huge moment for Steve. This is what he's been fighting for. This was his promise to Bucky, and it's been fulfilled.

I smile as I mouth the words "That's why I'm here" to him.

"So, what you're telling me is that because of what happened at the Raft, and because of the work I've done since leaving the States, you're expunging our criminal records and pardoning each of us?" He says, blue eyes full of a light I haven't seen in ages.

I walk over and rest a hand on his shoulder, smiling gently.

He smiles as he says, "You know, I wasn't too sure of you before today, President Evans, but I have to say, I'm impressed, and I'm honored. Thank you."


     Steve and I both turn to look at Peter, who somehow managed to sneak in without either of us noticing.

     I squeeze Steve's shoulder and flash a quick smile at him before walking over to Peter and pulling him by his jacket sleeve into the living room.

    "What's up, Baby Spider?" I ask him.

     "Dad just got a call from Aunt May," he tells me. "She told him that the President fired Ross. Now he's going to the United Nations summit in Paris tomorrow." He looks down at the floor nervously before looking back up and continuing. "Does that mean you'll all be able to go home? And that you won't have to sneak into Queens to see me?"

    Oh, Peter, sweetheart.

     I take his face in my hands as I say, "I'm not sure when we'll go home, and I'm sure there's plenty of work we have to do beforehand, but it sounds like we'll be able to do whatever we want when we go home. We can have Family Dinner Fridays like you want, and you can finally introduce me to Ned and Gwen."

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