Chapter one

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Sarah's light brown hair bounced as she darted into her high school right as the tardy bell rang.

" shit." She mumbles to herself. Because now that the bell rang. The door is now locked and she must go into the front office... from the student parking lot. Which mind you is about a 5 minute walk. And a two minute sprint. She hears a car door slam behind her. Making her jump. A boy jumped out of his old looking truck. He was at least a third year at the school. He looked relatively good looking. But she doesn't like to let boys get in the way of her goals in life. Not like she thought that she was good looking anyways. But when girls would tell her that she turned heads, she always thought it was because she was odd looking.

The boy waved his hand in-front of her face "uh hello?" He said confused. She realized she had zoned out looking at him.


" oh. Um hey. Your late" she said with a nervous chuckle as she pulled a small curl behind her ear. He seemed as nervous as her because he looked at her then shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down at the cement

" huh?  Oh yeah haha" he chuckled back as his golden locks hid what she thought were Cristal blue eyes.

" where are my manners" sarah said quizzingly. Which made him look up. She now knows he has heart stoping blue eyes. " I. I. I'm sarah. What's your name?" She smiled nervously

Hey guys hope you liked the first chapter please comment and lemmi know what I could do better!! I love to make y'all happy!! Goodnight beautiful/handsome people


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