Chapter two

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" jimmy. My name is jimmy. Nice to meet you sarah" they smiled at each other until Sarah ran into a pole and slid down it. She whimpered in pain and she sunk to the floor. Tears beading up in her green-grey eyes. Not yet meeting her flesh.

" oh my god are you okay?!?" He asked very concerned. His eyes scanning her body for any major injury's. because in all honestly she hit that pole really hard.

Jimmys pov

" oh my god are you okay?!?" She hit that pole pretty hard and as I'm scanning her for any major injury's I see her 'school girl' outfit (Tho we don't have a dress code) skirt had drifted relatively far up her thigh. I feel my dominant side kicking in. Hardcore.

" hey sweetheart I'm right here... it's okay, there no need to cry. Show me where it hurts" as I subtly pull her skirt down so she's not flashing anyone. Keep her modest ya know?

She reaches out to me with grabby hands and I gladly help her to her feet. " hey princess..." I freeze for a second. But it seems like she responds to that too. Because I'm also a lot taller than her. I bend down to her eye level " do you want me to carry you inside to the nurse. That looked very painful". She nodded and reached out with her Adorable grabby hands once again but when she gripped my neck she didn't look so tense. She relaxed in my arms.

We. Rather I walk into the main office with Sarah in my arms. I sigh. I dont know her full name or Campus ID number. Hell, I've just meet the girl... " uh. Princess ?" She groaned not making much noise so I don't think she's up for talking

" d. Do you know who she is?" I ask the front desk attendant, mis.ellis

" oh yes. Sarah's late all the time. Why exactly are you holding her. And why are you late mister?" She asked subtly. I guess she thought we were together and this was how she was going to get in late again.

" she hit one of the outdoor poles really hard on our way in. And she didn't look fit to walk the rest of the way. So I carried her. And I'm going to drop her off at the nurses office. And this morning I had some trouble with the truck." Answering all her questions at once

" okay. I'll fill out the paperwork. Take her to the nurse" mis.ellis smiled and buzzed me into the campus.


430 words in this chapter!! I'm getting better I promise. Please comment and let me know what I can work on. Sorry it's such short chapters but I swear they'll get longer. Thank you  lovely's. I might upload another chapter today later on. But until next time. Bye bye!!!

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