Chapter 5

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Sarahs POV

I grip his arm with full intent on staying almost next to him. But given the circumstance that it is the end of the day.. all of the school is trying to flood to the student parking lot and our school busses in the back of the campus. It's like a nonstop river of people. It's actually kinda scary. I hear bits and pieces of everyone's conversations with there Friends, lovers and so on. I had spaced off again... damnit. I go to grab that jimmy kids arm again, and. What the fuck?!? He's gone?!? I can't breath. It's too hot. I'm panicking. I curl up into a ball on the halls wall. So I don't get trampled. Rocking back and forth. Not knowing what to do. I start to sob feeling my littlespace slip up... NoNoNo not here!! Not in front  of dreamy boy!! He'll think your a freak sarah! Don't do it!! I stick the tip of my nail into my mouth. So I don't really look like I'm sucking on my thumb... I feel a strong hand lift my chin. I open my eyes to see him. Dreamy boy jimmy. Right in front of me. I flinch when tried to touch me. Afraid. He scoops me up and sets me down In his lap,  I being the baby I am, Sobbed for another solid two minutes. He cooed and whispered sweet and calming things until I could catch my breath.

" now little one..." he spoke clearly and calmly. As if he.. knows what he's doing " do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I shake my head slowly. " was it because you let go of me?" He asked voice soft to my ears. I nodded sadly.
"Oh my poor baby. You musta been so scared without Uh. Me" I nodded slow laying my head down on his firm chest. Just as I did so. Between my crying fit and lack of sleep the past few days. I fell asleep.
Hey guys and gals. I'm sorry I haven't updated the story in a while. School kinda kicked my butt. But it's summer and I will be updating lots more!!! See y'all soon

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