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embarrassed to want to explain, she was. i cant tell you, so i'll just simply stay silent about it.

she shook her head and looked down to her feet, "im sorry," she said, "im too much of a coward to say whats on my mind." an unreadable expression was upon haruhi's face, while the rest were confused and sympathetic.

"you are a coward." haruhi finally said, "there's no judging in here. whatevers bothering you, tell it to us, and we'll help. cause' thats just what the host club does." he) said sincerely, and a wide smile was on her face as she held her hands in her own.

she blushed faintly, this has never happened to her before. a man)? holding her own to hands in his)?

she was surprised, yet shy.
usually she was too quiet, so many stayed away from her.

why was she so quiet?

well, because she was self concious

Self Conscious [ohshc x reader]Where stories live. Discover now