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The early morning shivers,
Creeping down my spine,
Hiding under covers,
Through curtains of hair thick and fine,
Keep away the world away,
Away from all my pain,
The pain they thrust upon me,
Heavy as early morning rain,
Colder than the wind,
Sinking deep into my skin,
Each drop as sharp needles,
My shields shredding paper thin,
I feel their gazes heavy,
Resting on my back,
Disappointment for all the things,
Of which I sadly lack,
I failed their every expectation,
I fell with every newfound flaw,
I felt myself breaking apart,
I didn't fit in at all,
I fought against a different current,
Unlike all the rest,
Society decided to tell me,
That I failed to pass their test,
I don't fit in with this puzzle,
I'm not the last missing piece,
Cut and deform me all you want,
I couldn't care in the least,
Maybe I could give it up,
Let myself slip away,
I could disappear in this world,
I really think that'd be okay,
If I'm really being quite honest here,
I didn't leave a mark,
I know I didn't stay that long,
But the world is getting dark,
I can't find the life anymore,
In what we all should do,
To make our lives have meaning,
To make our morals true,
So love me for what I was,
I'll love you for it too,
Everything we ever did,
Will always be between me and you,
So hate me for giving up,
I won't blame you for it all,
If you think of me a coward,
It's true I hid behind this wall,
So cry for me all of your tears,
Let it all out while you can,
Better to make yourself feel better,
I hope you can feel my hand,
Just please don't let there be silence,
Don't just let it echo inside,
That's what I did once to let it eat me away,
Until the pain would finally abide.

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