Getting ready

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4 weeks later

I finally received the tickets and passes a few days ago and I'll be leaving in a week. Today is another meeting. We're going over everything for the last time, so everything will go perfectly. I put my converse sneakers on and grab my denim jacket to leave. I rush to the station and jump in the train. I plug my earphones in and look out the window. 

I walk to the café and order a coffee while I wait for the others to arrive. I see Julia and Jeff walking towards my table. Julia sits across from me and expects Harry to sit next to her but instead he takes the chair next to me. Jeff sits next to her.

'So you'll be shooting for Harry's tour. From March till July, 43 nights. As you know we'll be leaving in a week. We want you to know that there are some rules.' She folds her hands together and watches my confused expression. I hear Harry sighing.

'What do you mean rules?'

'To make sure it all goes right, we made some rules. First of all, every picture you take during the tour is not allowed to go online without our permission. We don't want everything to be out in public.' I nod letting her know I understand. She gives me a few more rules before coming to the last one.

'And last, but most importantly. You're not allowed to have any kind of relationship within the team.' She gives me a stern look. 'Is that clear?' I nod, I wasn't thinking about that at all but okay.

'Okay, so we'll see you in a week at the airport.' She grabs her bag, and leaves some money on the table for her drinks. Jeff follows quickly.

'Don't worry about her, she takes things a little too seriously.' I look to my right and see Harry already looking at me.

'Oh, I wasn't. I totally understand her.'

'Too bad.' He smirks. 'You know we should get to know each other since we'll spend 4 months together.' Just when I'm about to answer my phone rings. I excuse myself and check the caller ID. My mom.

'Sorry I have to take this one.' I leave some money on the table and walk out the café.

Oh, Anna | Harry StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ