And so it begins...

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I arrive at the airport and check in. We'll start with tour rehearsals in Basel which is also the first tour stop. I see Harry standing in the middle of the airport surrounded by a few people. I see him motioning for me to come over.

'Everyone, this is Anna, our tour-photographer.' I see two girls and two boys or should I say women and men. They look older than me. We all shake hands and I learn their names. Clare, who plays the keys. Sarah, the drumster. Adam, the bassist and Mitch, the guitarist.

We board the plane and I sit next to Adam, with Mitch and Harry behind me.

Adam and I talk for pretty much the whole flight. He shows me pictures of his child. I like Adam, he seems like a nice guy. I feel myself getting tired so I close my eyes and dazzle off.

When we finally arrive in Switzerland, it's 8 pm. We walk out the airport and see the tour buses waiting outside. Everyone starts to talk of excitement, but of course Julia had to say something. 'So Harry, the band and Anna will be staying in the big tour bus and me and the rest of the team will be staying in the smaller one. Tour rehearsals will start at 10am tomorrow so don't be late. Have a good night everybody and I'll see you tomorrow.' She walks to her tour bus while discussing something with Jeff.

'An, you're coming?' I look around and see Adam waiting for me. I grab my stuff and walk to the tour bus behind the rest.

'So Anna, tell us something about yourself,' Clare asks while sipping some of her tea. We're currently sitting in our tourbus on our way to Basel. I sat next to Adam and Sarah. On the other side were Clare, Harry and Mitch who were cuddling each other. Which is apparently a thing they like to do according to Adam. I set my mug on the table and answer Clare's question.

'Well, I'm Anna Wade, 22 years old and from Sheffield. I just finished my photograph education and then Harry's team reached out.' I finish my sentence and grab some M&M's. I see everyone looking at Harry with a confused expression. He just shrugged and stood up to grab some more tea. What was that?

I woke up the next morning and found Harry's bunk empty. I quickly put my clothes on and walk to the lounge spot where Harry is on his phone.

'Good morning, how was your sleep,' he asks while removing his feet from the couch so I can sit down.

'It was alright, I guess.' I sit down next to him and we talk for a few minutes before the rest of the band joins us. And we walk to the venue. Time for rehearsals.

Oh, Anna | Harry StylesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat