Want To Be Wanted

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I just want to be wanted.
I want someone to miss me,
To want to kiss me,
To want to want me,
To want to love me.
I long for it because
No one's ever wanted me
For that.

I want someone who won't
Be afraid or embarrassed
To have me.
To want to show me off.
Someone who's willing
To show me love.

I want someone to
Listen when I talk.
Someone who wants to
Fuck with me
Even though I'm fucked up.
Someone who isn't
Gonna be afraid to fall
Nor be afraid to
Catch me when I fall.

I fucking want someone
Who won't play mind games,
And straight up tell me if they're
Into me.
Not that bullshit lust,
I want that fucking love.

Fuck with me
But only if you
Truly want me.

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