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Most people have a amazing life they go out fall in love ,party and get drunk and so many other things. But me I sit in my room being the no body with abusing parents who KILED their OWN kid my little brother he was only 5 years old. they were both drunk and my brother was playing in his room then all of a sudden I hear a scream. I run out of my room and into his there stood my parents digging a knife into my brothers chest slowly. the sickest part is they were laughing then all the screams stopped I looked at my brother he was dead they killed him I dropped to my knees. They looked at me and said the 3 words that made me run 'it's all your fault ' . I have never ran so fast in my life they were chasing after me they had caught me and dragged me back to the house and started hitting and cutting me. Back to now I am 15 years old that happened 8 years ago. my 'mom and dad" blame me for his death but today I plan on running and putting myself in a orphanage. It was now 12:00am my mom and dad left to go the the bar a hour ago but not before they beat and cut me . I grabbed my bag I had packed and left not looking back. I walked for about a hour before I came to a orphanage. I went inside they quickly put me in a room gat me all cleaned and banged up then stared questioning me I told them everything. We decided to change the way I look I went from my brown hair to dyeing it rainbow .my sweat shirt and sweet pants went to crop tops and shorts but for bed they gave me some Victoria secret pjs. Then my torn shoes went to heels ,boots and vans I looked in the mirror god I looked  different  but I love it .after that they gave me a room till someone adopted me but they told me adoption day is tomorrow I smiled then fell in to a deep sleep .

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